Written by Irvin L. Rozier

What answer can I give to those who often say There is no God, why should I bother to pray Storms of life come in every shape and form A smooth sailing through life is surely notrepparttar norm

When do answers to prayers come, or do they come at all Does God really hear my prayers when upon His name I call I must keep on praying although no answer is in sight My answer may come today or it may come this very night

Where should I pray, in a public or secret place Should I be standing upright or should I fall upon my face I've heard many prayers prayed in a pretty church I've observed men praying from a lofty perch

Who should I pray to, Jesus isrepparttar 126555 only one Who died onrepparttar 126556 cross, He is God's only son I must pray with power likerepparttar 126557 holy men of old I my time of need, I must be very bold

Live by Faith, Not by Sight

Written by Daniel N. Brown

Do you feel like you are experiencing roadblocks to your dreams? Do you feel like you are striving for something but it just seems to elude you?

Maybe you are a little discouraged and confused about what God wants for you. Do you wonder if God has a plan for your life? And if He does, why does it remain unfulfilled?

There may be a multitude of thoughts running through your mind as you continue day in and day out, repeatingrepparttar same mundane tasks over and over again, wondering if things will ever change.

You may be frustrated and wondering what your purpose is. Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes,” (Mark 9:23) and He also said, “According to your faith, be it done unto you.” (Matt 9:29)

Friends, we must believe without a doubt that we will have good things in life, that we will be guided torepparttar 126554 right situations at repparttar 126555 right times, and that we really will see our dreams manifested. We will, if we believe because our faith can move mountains!

God has a wonderful plan for each of His children according to his or her own unique gifts and abilities. (Jeremiah 29:11) Therefore, we must trust that God is working all things for our benefit according to His plan. (Romans 8:28) It really is just a matter of faith.

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