Vitamin for Boosting your Immune System

Written by Alfred Jones

Turmeric, in all honesty is not a vitamin, but it can certainly help to boost your immune system. Of course Turmeric is a herb and in recent years has become quite popular inrepparttar Spice Rack of modern day kitchens.

The proper name for Turmeric is Zingiberaceae; it is a member ofrepparttar 113730 Ginger family and is also known as Curcuma. It has not been very widely researched in humans, however animal research has been conducted for many years and they have shown this herb to have a number of beneficial medical properties, such as an immune stimulant, a helpful treatment for arthritis, also may help inrepparttar 113731 prevention of some forms of cancer, heart disease, liver problems andrepparttar 113732 prevention of cataracts.

Inrepparttar 113733 kitchen, Turmeric is used for giving curryrepparttar 113734 yellow coloring; it has been used for this purpose for thousands of years by Indians inrepparttar 113735 preparation of meals. It was also prescribed by Chinese physicians for various medical problems

Most ofrepparttar 113736 research that has been done intorepparttar 113737 benefits of Turmeric has been done in India, becauserepparttar 113738 scientists inrepparttar 113739 west had never shown much interest inrepparttar 113740 herb, until more recent times, this research has shown that it can help inrepparttar 113741 prevention ofrepparttar 113742 following illnesses, Wounds, it does have some antibacterial properties, it has been effective against some strains of Salmonella, which causes food poisoning, it does have anti inflammatory effects which has helped withrepparttar 113743 pain associated with arthritis and because it contains antioxidants, it can help inrepparttar 113744 prevention of cancer and cataracts.

Aspartame Versus Stevia

Written by Patricia Valle

~Aspartame Versus Stevia~


Aspartame was approved inrepparttar early 1980's underrepparttar 113729 brand name Equal, also known as Nutrasweet. It is a combination ofrepparttar 113730 amino acids phenylalanine, aspartic acids and methanol, or wood alcohol. Too much of these components has been linked to brain damage inrepparttar 113731 fetus. Persons with PKU (phenylkelonuria), as well as pregnant women, and children underrepparttar 113732 age of seven, must avoid aspartame, and foods containing this ingredient.


Stevia is found inrepparttar 113733 chrysanthemum family and grows in parts of South America as a shrub. It's been used by Native Indians in Paraguay and Brazil for centuries. Studies show that this plant is completely non-toxic. Although it is marketed inrepparttar 113734 United States as a food supplement, its primary use is a natural sugar

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