Vitamin Supplements and Your Child

Written by Jeff Matson

In a perfect world, your children would eat a balanced diet withrepparttar right amount of fruits and vegetables recommended by nutritional standards. However, we all know that rarely happens. Many children do not like and sometimes refuse to eat some kinds of fruits and vegetables. This makes it difficult to ensure they are receiving a well-balanced diet that provides allrepparttar 143961 vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy life. There are things you can do as a parent to ensure your child is receiving adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in their diet.

Using vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure a well-balanced diet can begin during pregnancy. It is very important for pregnant mothers to obtainrepparttar 143962 recommended dose of folate and vitamin B-6, since it is an essential component inrepparttar 143963 formation of genetic material and hemoglobin in red blood cells. Lack of folic acid can causerepparttar 143964 mother to become anemic and increasesrepparttar 143965 risk of miscarriage. Folic acid deficiency may also causerepparttar 143966 child to be born with a deformity or disability. If you are pregnant and you feel you cannot obtainrepparttar 143967 adequate amounts of vitamin B-6 on your own, it may be a good idea to look into a vitamin supplement forrepparttar 143968 duration of your pregnancy and talk to your Doctor. Once your child is born there are more steps you can take inrepparttar 143969 first 2 years of their lives, which may increase their vitamin intake and provide a healthier lifestyle. Babies who are breastfed often lack vitamin D. This is not as necessary ifrepparttar 143970 mother is eating a well-balanced diet, however breast milk alone does not giverepparttar 143971 babyrepparttar 143972 recommended daily amount of vitamin D. Formula fed babies do not need any vitamin supplementation. Medically approved, commercial iron-fortified formulas provide babies withrepparttar 143973 recommended amount of vitamins they need, so babies require no additional supplements. Giving vitamin supplements to a baby who is already receivingrepparttar 143974 daily recommendation can be harmful and potentially become very dangerous for your child.

Antibiotics 101- What You Absolutely Need to Know

Written by Mansi gupta

Introduction Antibiotics are said to berepparttar greatest contribution of modern day science helpingrepparttar 143960 doctors to think beyond microorganinsms.their importance is felt much more in developing countries whererepparttar 143961 infections are prevalent. There is a mushrooming of antibiotics since last few decades because of bothrepparttar 143962 need andrepparttar 143963 demand of aseptic conditions both in and out ofrepparttar 143964 hospital.

What are antibiotics? Antibiotics are chemical or biological substances either produced by microorganisms or are produced artificially to kill or inhibitrepparttar 143965 growth of other microorganisms. They are used at very low concentrations.

What are different types? As there are innumerable antibiotics that are presently in use, different people classify them differently for e.g. those that kill or those just inhibitrepparttar 143966 action ofrepparttar 143967 microorganisms, according to their chemical nature, according torepparttar 143968 types of organisms they kill, according torepparttar 143969 no of different types of microorganisms, their mechanism of action and so hence and so forth. Hence sulfadiazine and others are sulfonamides while isoniazid is nicotinic acid derivatives, etc. tetracyclines are bacteriostatic while vancomycin is bactericidal.

How do they work? Some antibiotics for e.g. penicillins inhibitrepparttar 143970 cell wall synthesis ofrepparttar 143971 bacteria, some like acyclovir inhibitrepparttar 143972 DNA synthesis, some like sulfonamides interfere withrepparttar 143973 metabolism and still others like tetracyclines inhibit protein synthesis. Similarly there are many others with different mechanism of action meant to be targeted at specific function ofrepparttar 143974 bacteria or virus.

Is there any need for them?

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