Part 3 of 5 - How "Pipe Dreams" Can Become Realities! © 2004, Jon Kogan, All Rights Reserved. http://www.zivomarketing.comDO YOU HAVE THE POTENTIAL?
Within you is
power to accomplish anything you want. But it will not happen if you are not tuned into your true desires. Don't fool yourself into compromising for less than a complete goal. If you want to be an artist, you may not be
world's most famous artist, but if you have that inclination, you will be an artist. If you want to succeed in business, you may not be another financier/mega-millionaire, but you will succeed in your endeavors.
Most people need accomplishment feedback. After all, what's so great about achieving something if nobody cares? And it's important to receive that recognition and feel that love.
Set goals that you can achieve. Divide them into little tidbits that you can accomplish every day, every month, every year. Set your goals for success.
Then reap
rewards constantly - each step of
way. Pat yourself on
back for a job well done, then move on. Start immediately to accomplish
goals you have set. In fact, give yourself a task that you can finish by tomorrow. Think of yourself as a success in your endeavors. Dwell on
idea that you are compelled to accomplish your goals, and live and breathe them until you have them.
Can you see yourself a year from now, having achieved a few goals? Can you make
decision and commitment to become successful in your desires? Then you have
potential to accomplish anything you want.
Visualizing yourself as a success in your field of endeavor is
inside tip in accomplishing anything you want. If you can specifically imagine being
person you want to become, you will attain that reality.
Forgive yourself. Just as you would another person, tell yourself that it's okay for all those mistakes, or
should-haves that keep popping up in your mind. Don't dwell on
past and get blocked by events from long ago.
Let go of fears and anxieties. Although it certainly is easier said than done, learn to change negative thoughts into a positive action. Are you afraid of poverty - that you'll never make ends meet, or never buy that house, or be destitute once you stop working? Then turn that into
positive goal of financial security.
Do people make you anxious? Maybe you feel inferior, not as good as others. Everybody has feelings of inadequacy. Just turn them around into positive goals. You may be paralyzed by
thoughts that you are unattractive. It is your thoughts that make it a reality. Change your modes of behavior and you will make friends. In most cases, it is your own negative thoughts that cause you to stay stuck in whatever place you're in. Keep moving. Take
risks. You may need to change your job, or move to another city. You might take up a sport or hobby. Become active in your life - participate. And you will grow into
image you see for yourself.
most sought-after goal in our present society is success in business. Whether you want to be promoted into high paying management positions, or wish to start your own independent enterprise, knowledge of
business world is important.
As you plan a course of action towards accomplishing your goal, keep in mind
small goals that put you closer to
end. And be prepared to change often. You may need to change companies, or take
opportunities in other departments as those positions open.