Virtual Assistants... Even Santa Needs One!

Written by Janet Barclay

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Virtual Assistants... Even Santa Needs One! By Janet Barclay, Organized Assistant

Trying to fit allrepparttar 103600 planning and preparing and celebrating ofrepparttar 103601 holiday season into an already busy schedule can bring a lot of stress to a time of year that's supposed to be full of peace. These days, even Santa needs help making his list and checking it twice!

Fortunately, help is available. Virtual Assistants, or VA's, offer a wide range of services designed to save you time and lighten your workload, which is more important than ever at this busy time of year. Here are a few ways a VA can help make your Christmas merry:

1. Research gifts online 2. Plan work forrepparttar 103602 new year 3. Online Christmas shopping 4. Send e-greetings to your contacts 5. Make holiday travel arrangements 6. Plan your Christmas event or party 7. Add special holiday content to your website 8. Send out announcements of your holiday promotions 9. Send out "handwritten" Christmas or New Year cards 10. Handle some of your office staff's regular work so you can give them some time off

The Top Mistakes Executives Make in Leading Their Organizations

Written by Don Wells


In today’s uncertain economy, many organizations have been making some drastic changes to stay competitive and productive. This means that CEOs and other executives have to hone their leadership skills to makerepparttar most of what they have and encourage and inspire their teams to new heights of achievement. But not all executives have leadership down to a science. Leaders might be armed with plenty of technical skills and experience, but may still be making some critical mistakes in managing with their teams that can negatively impact their organization’s bottom line. An employee-centered culture ensures a customer-focused culture. One common leadership mistake is a lack of team-building skills. Honoringrepparttar 103597 team—each individual—is one ofrepparttar 103598 most important leadership characteristics in today’s organizations. If, as a leader, one of my primary concerns is notrepparttar 103599 welfare of my team, then I’ll never know just how successful we can be. That positive regard for your people leads torepparttar 103600 best customer service,repparttar 103601 highest level of contribution by each team member andrepparttar 103602 highest profits. Here are four other common executive leadership mistakes: Failure to make decisions or delayingrepparttar 103603 process and losing a competitive advantage. Perhaps being too afraid of making a mistake is a mistake! Most executives make good decisions when they actually make them, but many are fearful of taking any risk, delay too long in taking necessary action and lose important opportunities.

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