Virally Imperfect.

Written by Seamus Dolly

A virus is sometimes described asrepparttar smallest infectious agent known to man.

A virus is sometimes described as a self-replicating program, known to man and machine

The commonality here, relates to its effect in terms of their transmission properties, nuisance value, and their often-sickening effect.

Its’ nature is as it was intended.

This holds true where man and machine arerepparttar 107703 designated recipients or targets to infiltrate.

Both viruses have evolved to seek-out, infect, and propagate. . We are (as yet), unsure who mastermindedrepparttar 107704 biological version and we know some ofrepparttar 107705 masterminds behindrepparttar 107706 software version. Mutation and transmutation of both versions, isrepparttar 107707 key to their success, and therefore their existence. Had werepparttar 107708 foresight to determine such mutations, then, both would be “old hat” andrepparttar 107709 “fodder of history”. And to have that foresight, we’d have to know in one case, more of our own ability to upset andrepparttar 107710 “cure” for it.

The Trials and Tribulations Of Learning A New Computer Skill

Written by Georgie Farmer

It all started several years ago when I walked out on a well-paid job of 11 years. I needed to get another job fairly quickly. My monthly mortgage repayments were pretty hefty. Something I hadn't thought about during my dramatic exit.

I eagerly poured overrepparttar job columns inrepparttar 107702 newspaper. Yikes, every job required Microsoft Word. To get another job, I needed to learn a new computer skill. So what? There are loads of people "inrepparttar 107703 same boat" in this ever-changing world. If they can do it, so can I.

First, I had to decide how! Group classes didn't work for me. At one, I got left behind - simply because I didn't grasp one little point and wasn't brave enough to admit that I, apparently, wasrepparttar 107704 only one who hadn't "got it". At another, I actually knew more than others and felt frustrated listening to stuff I already knew. One-on-one training would be better, but too expensive.

My computer-whiz niece offered to help. She sat in my computer chair, took control of my mouse and went zap, zap, zap. All kinds of things appeared and disappeared onrepparttar 107705 screen at a fast rate. During all this activity, I stood behind her chair feeling quite dazed. Finally, she said with a smile "That's how you do . . . whatever it was she was trying to teach me (I still don't know)". Her smile was replaced by an incredulous look when I said that she had lost me afterrepparttar 107706 second zap. Needless to say, I didn't pursue her kind offer any further and, as a result, we are stillrepparttar 107707 best of friends.

What I really wanted to do was to learn at my own pace and at home. I decided to tryrepparttar 107708 manual that came with my computer. At this stage, I was blissfully unaware ofrepparttar 107709 terrors ahead.

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