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Online poker chips away at sexual stereotypes

Written by Simon Prodger

Women are being increasingly attracted torepparttar excitement of online poker. Many professional women now shop extensively online and it’s natural that they should explore other ways of having fun and spending their money online.

According torepparttar 130673 UK’s fastest growing poker website, Victor Chandler Poker (, it’s no longer just a man’s game. One in six new players joining Victor Chandler Poker is female – up from virtually zero just 2 years ago. The typical female player tends to be between 24 and 25, internet savvy, shops online and has a professional business career.

Why women are taking up online poker

There are 5 main reasons why women are taking up online poker:

•Poker is gaining a lot of media attention. TV games shows, high-profile tournaments andrepparttar 130674 traditional portrayal of poker in film and TV givesrepparttar 130675 game a glamorous, exciting image.

•More and more women are playingrepparttar 130676 game professionally. The success of women players listed onrepparttar 130677 Women’s Poker Hall of Fame has created some powerful role models.

•The web creates a safe environment. Logging on to a poker website is nowhere near as intimidating as walking into a male-dominated casino. Good online poker rooms are moderated, mostly by women.

•Online poker caters forrepparttar 130678 novice player in a way that was not possible beforerepparttar 130679 web. First,repparttar 130680 anonymity means no-one has to worry about looking stupid. Second, there are extensive tips, articles and tutorials online that rapidly educaterepparttar 130681 novice player.

•Games can be played just for fun or for small stakes. One fear is getting into a game whererepparttar 130682 stakes are continually rising. But fixed cost games mean that if women want to bet, they know exactly how much they stand to win or lose.

Anecdotal evidence fromrepparttar 130683 gambling industry suggests that traditional female traits such as assessing difficult situations, taking in information from multiple sources, make women ideal poker players.

But do women really make good poker players?

Research from Cambridge Professor, Simon Baron-Cohen in his book “The Essential Difference” suggests that men and women do show different personality traits. These traits undoubtedly influence how both men and women play poker.

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