Video Your Future

Written by Doug C. Grant

Article Title: Video Your Future Author Name: Doug C. Grant Contact Email Address: doug or Available On-Line at: Available by Autoresponder at: Word Count: 749 Category: Inspirational Copyright Date: 2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Publishing Guidelines: Thank you for publishing this article in its entirety includingrepparttar resource box. When possible, please notify me of publication by sending either a website link or a copy of your ezine upon publication via email to:



by Doug C. Grant

Let's do some pretending.

You have received a magical video camera.

But there's a problem. Big problem! You can't take videos with it. At least notrepparttar 123807 normal kind.

When you point it towardrepparttar 123808 world it records nothing. Point it toward you and it picks up allrepparttar 123809 images in your mind that will influence your tomorrow. Scary, huh?

What willrepparttar 123810 video show? Health... success...prosperity...friends...or happiness? Or maybe you'll be looking at sickness...lack...tension... boredom...or unhappiness?

Okay, so none of us are perfect. We've all got our quirks and cracks. But we don't have to keep them. Let's start changing yours today.


What quirk or crack would you like to edit out of your life? Perhaps it's a health problem. Or maybe your purse contains moths instead of dollars. Whatever. Selectrepparttar 123811 one most important to you.

Now, let's write a script to eliminate your 'whatever' forever.

Let's say your 'whatever' is a health problem. If so,repparttar 123812 first thing you must do is forgetrepparttar 123813 problem. I'm serious. In your scriptrepparttar 123814 problem can not and will not exist.

Easy? Not very...particularly if you've been nursing a chronic condition for any length of time. But it is possible. Give it some sweat time.

It will help to outline your script on paper. Written words carry weight.

It need be nothing elaborate. Perhaps just words that describerepparttar 123815 way you want to be. Vibrant, active, energetic. See yourself walking with a spring in your step, head held high, breathing God's fresh air.

Now notice what you're doing? You've just begun producing a video ofrepparttar 123816 new you.

Keep going. Edit. Build onrepparttar 123817 images you like best. Feelrepparttar 123818 wonderful emotions being generated by these images.

Rerunrepparttar 123819 video over and over until it's exactlyrepparttar 123820 way you want it. Now, watch it a thousand times a day.

A One Word Tonic for Creating a Positive Change in Your Life

Written by Doug C. Grant

Article Title: A One Word Tonic for Creating a Positive Change in Your Life Author Name: Doug C. Grant Contact Email Address: doug or Available On-Line at: Available by Autoresponder at: Word Count: 596 Line Wrap: 60 Characters Category: Anti-Aging Copyright Date: 2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Publishing Guidelines: Thank you for publishing this article in its entirety includingrepparttar resource box. When possible, please notify me of publication by sending either a website link or a copy of your ezine upon publication via email to


by Doug C. Grant

"How's it going?"

That's a simple greeting. Except it seems as though after climbingrepparttar 123806 50-year f ence we tend to get a little less enthusiastic about our response.

A typical answer is often, "Oh puttin' up withrepparttar 123807 usual aches and pains. But at my age you can't expect anything else."

Bad answer...bad thinking...bad consequences!

Here'srepparttar 123808 right answer to 'How's it going?'


Okay, so maybe you aren't feeling so great. Doesn't matter.

Or maybe you think a 'woe-is-me' routine will earn you a sympathetic response. Not likely. People are not routinely devoted to feeling sorry for other people's problems. Sorry about that. But it happens to be true.

So what's so great aboutrepparttar 123809 word 'GREAT'?

It can do more for you than a pill or a potion. Here's why.

You have inside your head two consciousrepparttar 123810 other subconscious. The subconscious controls about 90% of your mental activity, which also happens to include your state of health.

For example, considerrepparttar 123811 sugar pill. It has absolutely no formulated ability to heal. Yet when someone is given a sugar pill and told it's a new wonder drug that will cure their 'whatever'...guess what? Often their 'whatever' symptoms disappear. They feel great. Life is wonderful again.

Then they receiverepparttar 123812 truth. The pill is nothing but sugar. Within hoursrepparttar 123813 'whatever' symptoms come screaming back. This happens so frequently it has even been given a name. It's called 'The Placebo Effect'. And that's your subconscious at work.

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