Vacation Every Weekend!

Written by Pat Redmond

What else can you do with your airplane? The SERIOUS flyer has a plan that includes business AND pleasure! With proper planning, you'll purchaserepparttar airplane that will do both for you.

So how do people use their airplanes?


Many people spend 3-5 hours on Friday driving to their summer "get-away" and then turn around and do it again on Sunday! Sure,repparttar 104993 drive is worth it when you can enjoy your "up-north" retreat, but imagine how much easier it would be if you flew up in 1 hour. They include:

1. Leavingrepparttar 104994 family up north and commuting torepparttar 104995 cabin mid-week.

2. Being able to fly home for a Saturday soccer game with one ofrepparttar 104996 kids and get back torepparttar 104997 cabin.

3. Usingrepparttar 104998 cabin every weekend ofrepparttar 104999 summer even if you have a conflict on just one day. The whole weekend is not shot.

4. 5 extra hours each weekend to relax at your retreat accumulate to 50 hours over a 10 week summer. That's a full work week!


Most of us fromrepparttar 105000 Midwest either have a winter place inrepparttar 105001 south, vacation torepparttar 105002 south, or hope to own a place inrepparttar 105003 south someday. Your airplane will get you down there in aboutrepparttar 105004 same time asrepparttar 105005 airlines with their layovers and security checks.

Make Your PR Budget Work Harder

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at Word count is 800 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2003.

Make Your PR Budget Work Harder

Do it by restructuring your business, non-profit or association public relations program so that it deliversrepparttar stakeholder behavior changes you want. Changes that lead directly to achieving your objectives.

A good first step is to baserepparttar 104992 restructure on a reality like this: People act on their own perception ofrepparttar 104993 facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired -actionrepparttar 104994 very people whose behaviors affectrepparttar 104995 organizationrepparttar 104996 most,repparttar 104997 public relations mission is accomplished.

Then, if you haven’t done so already, think about your important outside audiences and how their behaviors can help or hinder your organization. List them in order of damage severity, and let’s talk about #1 onrepparttar 104998 roster.

Obviously, before you decide how to deal with external audience perceptions and, thus, behaviors, it makes sense to find out what members of that target audience really think about your organization.

If you are not equipped with a budget to pay for professional survey work, you and your colleagues,have little choice but to interact with audience members and that means using penetrating questions – “What do you think of us? How much do you know about us? Have you ever had contact with our people? If so, was it a positive experience?” Stay alert to negativities, and watch closely for inaccuracies, misconceptions, and exaggerations.

The data you gather from such monitoring activity let’s you identifyrepparttar 104999 most severe perception problem, then establish it as your corrective public relations goal. Which allows you to straighten out that misconception, correct that inaccuracy or deflate that exaggeration.

Your goal isn’t worth much by itself. It needs a buddy, and that buddy is a strategy that shows you what you must do to achieverepparttar 105000 goal. Luckily, there are only three strategies to choose from when it comes to perceptions and opinions. Reinforce existing opinion, change it, or create perception where none exists. Here, byrepparttar 105001 way, you must take care that your chosen strategy fits naturally with your new goal.

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