“VERIUNI” - nutritional supplements.

Written by Borislav Kovachev

In September 2001, SFI launched its own line of advanced nutritional supplements underrepparttar brandname, VERIUNI. Nutrition is a multi-multi-billion dollar industry. Through SFI's Veriuni line of nutritional supplements, SFI affiliates can now share inrepparttar 115575 profits of this huge, booming marketplace. Our top seller, Advanced Liquid Nutrition is an incredible, all-natural liquid supplement containing nearly every daily

Are Cancer Treatments Effective - The Real Story

Written by Lena Sanchez

Are Cancer Treatments Effective - The Real Story © By Lena Sanchez

I do not wish this article to be discouraging and I do offer an alternative atrepparttar end, so do not despair half way through reading.

Let's look atrepparttar 115574 2000 sad stats on American Healthcare's $1.3B industry. 1 out of 3 people get cancer, 1 out of 2 get heart disease, obesity is at epidemic levels, 70% of children are getting hardening deposits in their arteries as early as 12 years of age. And here isrepparttar 115575 worst one of all, 62% of accidental deaths are attributed to prescriptions. 2001 found prescription deaths greater than illegal drug deaths. In 2000 109,000 people died from prescription drugs another 2.2 million survive but have illnesses or severe debilitation caused by prescription use. So what does that tell you about how well we are doing as a westernized medical society? The figures for 2001 & 2002 aren't in yet but believed to be even more severe.

"Deadly Medicine? Every year over 500,000 people worldwide die from illness or organ diseased fromrepparttar 115576 side effects of pharmaceutical products," saysrepparttar 115577 Journal ofrepparttar 115578 American Medical Association (JAMA). These pharmaceuticals are used to treatrepparttar 115579 most deadly diseases known to Western Man: heart attack, cancer, and stroke."

I shudder when reading reports like these, even though most are from a few years back, sadlyrepparttar 115580 story is that repparttar 115581 healing rate has not increased but actually decreased in some areas! I wonder how many people have lost their lives early because of money andrepparttar 115582 medical mess that has been created by perpetuating cancer cures inrepparttar 115583 medical community that aren't really cures but money producers?

Harvard University's published cancer mortality for 2,000 excluded non-melanoma skin cancer, non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, stomach cancers and other rare cancers. Their death figures fromrepparttar 115584 top fourteen cancers were 216,700 men and 197,600 women, children were not reported. Aside from certain rare cancers, it is impossible to detect any sudden changes in repparttar 115585 death rates for any ofrepparttar 115586 major cancers that could be credited to chemotherapy.

Whether any ofrepparttar 115587 common cancers can be cured by chemotherapy has yet to be established. In most common solid tumors-lung, colon, breast, etc. chemotherapy is NOT curative.

Whyrepparttar 115588 growth in chemotherapy inrepparttar 115589 face of such failure? A look atrepparttar 115590 financial intercourse between a large cancer center such as Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) andrepparttar 115591 companies that make billions selling chemotherapy drugs makes for revealing why.

James D. Robinson III, Honorary Chairman ofrepparttar 115592 MSKCC Board of Overseers and Managers, is a director of Bristol-Myers Squibb,repparttar 115593 world's largest producer of chemotherapy drugs. Richard Gelb, Vice-Chairman ofrepparttar 115594 MSKCC board is Chairman ofrepparttar 115595 Board at Bristol-Myers. Richard Furlaud, another MSKCC board member, recently retired as Bristol Myers' president. Paul Marks, MD, MSKCC's President and CEO, is a director of Pfizer.

Very few know that chemotherapy drugs are not FDA approved. They are legally administered underrepparttar 115596 Rule of Probable Cause" states that experimental drugs may be used ifrepparttar 115597 side effect of repparttar 115598 drug is no worse thanrepparttar 115599 end effect ofrepparttar 115600 disease. In fact, every chemotherapy bottle is stamped "For Experimental Use Only" andrepparttar 115601 patient must sign a release beforerepparttar 115602 doctor will prescribe or administer it.

Multiple papers have been written stating that while some oncologists inform their patients ofrepparttar 115603 lack of evidence that treatments work...others may well be misled by scientific papers that express unwarranted optimism about chemotherapy. Still others respond to an economic incentive. Physicians can earn much more money running active chemotherapy practices than they can providing solace and relief...to dying patients and their families."

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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