One ofrepparttar best tools in creating and modifying a vector-based image isrepparttar 107369 Adobe Illustrator. Artworks done throughrepparttar 107370 Illustrator can be used for print, multimedia and online graphics.

Illustrator is used to open and manipulate vector-based drawing. Vector-based images are series of points connected by lines. It is also called object-oriented or draw images. It uses geometrical formulas to represent images.

Vector files have graphical elements called objects. These objects have properties including color, shape, outline, size, and position onrepparttar 107371 screen as well asrepparttar 107372 definition ofrepparttar 107373 object. It is also a self-contained entity, which means thatrepparttar 107374 properties ofrepparttar 107375 object can be moved and changed without affectingrepparttar 107376 other objects whilerepparttar 107377 clarity and crispness are preserved. This characteristic makes a vector-based image suitable for illustration and 3D modeling. An image is created by connecting vector point with straight or curved lines. Vector point or anchor point isrepparttar 107378 basis andrepparttar 107379 most fundamental component in every vector image

Unlike bitmap images, vector-based images are resolution dependent. The quality ofrepparttar 107380 image increases asrepparttar 107381 resolution increases. So it looks better on devices with higher resolution. It can also be resized and stretched and does not become grainy. Since bitmap images are composed of dots, it losses its quality and proportion when stretched.



There are different ways in eliminating opacity on images. One ofrepparttar basic techniques isrepparttar 107368 use ofrepparttar 107369 gradient tool. A gradient tool is used to edit or modify a part orrepparttar 107370 entire layer of an image. It is located inrepparttar 107371 tool bar and there is a window provided to customize your gradient.

Different gradient shapes include diamond, reflected, linear, etc. There is alsorepparttar 107372 gradient blending modes for foreground and background colors. Just double clickrepparttar 107373 tool bar inrepparttar 107374 color picker to changerepparttar 107375 color ofrepparttar 107376 foreground or background. You can have your foreground transparent. its color fades so you will be able to seerepparttar 107377 layers below. Fading is done by swiping acrossrepparttar 107378 pixels.

Different locations for gradient include Adjustment Layer, Fill Layer, Layer Styles Menus and Tool Options Bar.

There are two gradient types or settings, solid and noise. Solid is a gradient generated algorithmically, while noise is from RGB values. Solid gradient is used for manually set colors, while noise is for numerous color bands.

Before you can userepparttar 107379 gradient tool, convert firstrepparttar 107380 background layer to a regular layer. Then, create a gradient layer. Choose any gradient style and make sure thatrepparttar 107381 gradient layer is transparent. The transition between color bands can be determined by adjustingrepparttar 107382 smoothness. Short strokes result to sharper gradient and long strokes result to smoother gradient.

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