Utilize the Local Versions of Yahoo! to Boost Your Online Search Exposure

Written by Ralph Tegtmeier

Asrepparttar world's largest directory/portal and generator of search related traffic, Yahoo! entertains a wide range of localized sites and categories. Not all of them require paid inclusion for business sites. So if your site qualifies, you may want to sign up under a regional category instead of paying $199 forrepparttar 128203 mere chance of having your site reviewed. You may even consider setting up a dedicated web site under a foreign TLD (top level domain) in order to achieve multiple entries in this prime traffic pusher. (Take care not to merely clone your main site, however: Yahoo!'s editors are well known not to take kindly to that well worn strategy.)

But will it really effect search results? That'srepparttar 128204 best part of it: it won't! The typical surfer doesn't really care where a domain is listed within Yahoo!'s vast, hard to fathom category structure. So getting listed at all - anywhere! - isrepparttar 128205 only important point.

Below you will find a list of localized Yahoo! URLs andrepparttar 128206 TLDs you may want to sign up under to get listed.

Note, however, that restrictions may apply: some TLD registrars will only register commmercial sites with a physical corporate presence inrepparttar 128207 country concerned. You can check out allrepparttar 128208 world's TLDs and their registrars at: < http://www.betterwhois.com >

Europe ------ Denmark (.dk): < http://www.yahoo.com/r/dk > France (.fr): < http://www.yahoo.com/r/fr > Germany (.de): < http://www.yahoo.com/r/de > Italy (.it): < http://www.yahoo.com/r/it > Norway (.no): < http://www.yahoo.com/r/no > Spain (.es): < http://www.yahoo.com/r/es > Sweden (.se): < http://www.yahoo.com/r/se > UK + Ireland (.co.uk, .ie): < http://www.yahoo.com/r/uk >

Is your site being ignored by search engines?!

Written by Hani Banna

If your web site is information driven, it is more than likely that a database is used to serve uprepparttar content.

Now when it comes to search engines, all your valuable content is invisible because it is stored inrepparttar 128202 database! Generally speaking search engines will not index search results on your web site. This leaves you with a database full of rich information but no way forrepparttar 128203 search engines to index it!

There is a simple way around this: store your content in a dual format. One version is kept inrepparttar 128204 database and another in static html formatted files. The static version is then submitted and indexed byrepparttar 128205 search engines. This is a programming free, 20 minute process as you will see below.

If you don't have a large content database here is what to do, visit your site and perform a search that returnsrepparttar 128206 largest amount of results from you database. Storerepparttar 128207 source code ofrepparttar 128208 search result page to a static html file and publish this file to your web site. Then it's a matter of submitting this page to allrepparttar 128209 search engines and Voila! Your web site content is forrepparttar 128210 world to see.

If you have a fairly large database then you're in luck! Cause I've got a method for you that will create some ofrepparttar 128211 most powerful jump pages you'll ever have. This should take around an hour all up, but it's well worth it:

1) Creatingrepparttar 128212 static pages: visit your web site online and perform a single search for each major content category, eg: "history books" might be one category. At each result screen saverepparttar 128213 source code to a html file. It's worthwhile taking care inrepparttar 128214 naming ofrepparttar 128215 individual html files. The name could be in-line withrepparttar 128216 category names. Repeat this for allrepparttar 128217 categories.

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