Using an e-signature to guarantee a boost in your web traffic!

Written by William Johnston

Using an e-signature is one ofrepparttar easiest, most effective ways to bring targeted visitors to your site. Many webmasters waste this great opportunity to advertise their site, and bring potential customers to their site.

An e-signature is really your personal internet signature which you leave atrepparttar 146804 end of every piece of writing onrepparttar 146805 internet whether it is an email, article or forum post. Check out my e-signature below:

==================================== 100s of free ebooks and software products - Go to - Email me: ====================================

The aim of your e-signature should be to try and get people clicking onrepparttar 146806 link back to your site. Make sure you put your link inrepparttar 146807 signature where it is clearly visible. I suggest putting your link on a separate line from other text to make it easy for a viewer to know where to click.

Make sure you informrepparttar 146808 reader where they’re clicking to. Include a small description of no more than 20 – 30 words that informsrepparttar 146809 reader where they’re clicking to and also sellsrepparttar 146810 benefit of your site. Make it very clear howrepparttar 146811 viewer will benefit from your site if they click on your link.

Always include your contact information in your e-signature. People always want to know where to go if they have a problem or want more information. If they have to look around for your email, then they will be unimpressed and may pass on bad word about your site’s service to others. Onrepparttar 146812 other hand, if they can contact you easily and you can reply quickly with a polite, helpful email, then they will very likely pass on good words to their friends. Including your contact information also invites people to ask questions or find out additional information. This gives you a possible new prospect, a new email address, and valuable information about an outsider’s views on your site which you could add to your FAQ page if it is a question, or a testimonial page if it is a positive comment. Leaving your contact information on articles you have written is extremely important. This will give publishers who might want to include you article in their ezine a chance to contact you. Publishers will not include your article if they can not contact you first.

Securing the Medical Office with Taceo

Written by Zachary Price


Operating a medical practice is assiduous work requiring great attention to detail on a variety of fronts. Patient privacy has always Been an important concept inrepparttar medical profession. New laws are taking this notion a step further, making it mandatory for medical facilities to protect individually identifiable health information. Government regulations such asrepparttar 145207 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and others stipulaterepparttar 145208 how your digital records containing sensitive patient information should be kept secure, but caring for your patient’s privacy is just good business.

One ofrepparttar 145209 most time and labor consuming tasks in maintaining an electronic medical record is importing non-digital patient information such as radiology reports, hospital dictation and consultation/referral letters is an extremely time and labor consuming task in maintaining an electronic medical record. This is unfortunate because most of this information is already in digital format atrepparttar 145210 sender's location but printed to paper for transit. Transmitting digital information securely, however, can be problematic at best. Simply emailing a document to an intended recipient would potentially violate a patient's privacy sincerepparttar 145211 mail could be intercepted in transit or read by unauthorized persons onrepparttar 145212 destination email server before it is downloaded. Also, it would be impossible to tell whether or notrepparttar 145213 document was tampered with or was sent by someone electronically pretending to be someone else. For example, to promote office efficiency, medical offices that want to allow physicians to provide electronic mail as a means to transmit information are forced to have an “email disclaimer” that can not guaranteerepparttar 145214 privacy of information contained in an email. The information may be confidential and subject to protection underrepparttar 145215 law, butrepparttar 145216 fact remains that no real protection is provided as a preventative for security breach of your information.

Whether you are a healthcare provider, payer or pharmaceutical company you have electronic information that must be protected. Essential Taceo virtually eliminatesrepparttar 145217 costs associated with safeguarding Protected Health Information (PHI). With Taceo you are now free to email medical advice to your patients, send prescription requests torepparttar 145218 smallest of pharmacies and safely deliver patient records to referral doctors.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 was designed to create a new national standard for protectingrepparttar 145219 privacy of patient’s health information. HIPAA also focused on improvingrepparttar 145220 efficiency and effectiveness ofrepparttar 145221 Healthcare system, by encouragingrepparttar 145222 development and adoption of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between healthcare providers, payers and pharmaceutical organizations. HIPAA also stipulatesrepparttar 145223 strict requirement for organizations to establish safeguards to protectrepparttar 145224 integrity and confidentiality of an individual’s Protected Health Information (PHI). HIPAA applies to individual healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare insurance providers. The law also pertains to organizations that deal withrepparttar 145225 electronic PHI of customers, employers and patients. Civil and criminal penalties can result from noncompliance and security violations.


HIPAA calls for civil and criminal penalties for security and privacy breaches. General failure to comply is $100 per penalty; violations of an identical requirement may not exceed $25,000 per year. For example: it would be considered a violation to email claim or file with identifiable patient information that is not encrypted. Even though one requirement may not exceed $25,000, HIPAA has more than 15 named security standards, which if repeatedly violated could quickly grow to more than $375,000. More severe criminal penalties also apply to more flagrant HIPAA violations. Wrongful disclosure of PHI can result in a $50,000 penalty and up to one year in prison. Offense with intent to sell of misuse patients protected health information is punishable with a maximum $250,000 fine and/or 10 years Imprisonment.


Medical office wishes to refer and identifiable PHI to another healthcare provider.

A primary care physician examines an individual and determines that he would like to sendrepparttar 145226 patient to another provider for further diagnosis or treatment. The physician then asks his/her assistant to assemble and emailrepparttar 145227 patient’s history and physical (H&P), imaging reports, labs, progress notes, etc. torepparttar 145228 off-site healthcare provider for review. Unfortunately,repparttar 145229 physician and his assistant are in now violation of HIPAA regulations.

Unprotected email is like sending a post-card through cyber-space. While transiting it is routed through multiple servers, an email containing patient PHI can be easily read by people other thanrepparttar 145230 designated recipient (the off-site provider). Furthermore,repparttar 145231 patient’s records, because of an accidental keystroke, could be unintentionally misdirected to an unknown party, thereby increasingrepparttar 145232 severity ofrepparttar 145233 security breach. The physician’s assistant could have used Taceo to protectrepparttar 145234 email and attachments. Withrepparttar 145235 quick click of a buttonrepparttar 145236 worker could have prohibitedrepparttar 145237 patient records from being printed, forwarded and edited. The outgoing documents would be encrypted and un-accessible to anyone besidesrepparttar 145238 intended recipient healthcare provider. (Even ifrepparttar 145239 receiving healthcare provider is not fully set-up to work with electronic patient healthcare information, they can still securely view patient records without violating patient confidentiality.)

On-line Pharmaceutical Provider

A pharmaceutical provider fills prescriptions via on-line ordering, but cannot meet HIPAA secure transmission requirements for emailing regarding prescriptions and medications, order confirmation, and other information to their patients. The organization could resort to analog methods such as calling each individual customer or sending information torepparttar 145240 customers via standard post, however these methods are very inefficient and cost prohibitive. To meet HIPAA regulationsrepparttar 145241 on-line prescription provider must shoulderrepparttar 145242 burden of hiring and training a number of new employees at great cost. What isrepparttar 145243 on-line pharmacy to do?

With Taceo,repparttar 145244 pharmaceutical provider can securely send prescription information, order confirmations and more to their clientele. The confidentiality and integrity of emails containing protected health information (PHI) is enforced and maintained even after delivery. Nearly any customer with a PC1 can easily downloadrepparttar 145245 free version of Taceo, enabling them receive and reply protected email.

Taceo’s usage permissions interface providesrepparttar 145246 company with an effective way to assign flexible rights management controls based onrepparttar 145247 profile ofrepparttar 145248 client. Emails Containing prescription information can be set to expire when no longer valid.

Healthcare giver wishes to provide individual patients medical advice via email

To provide added value, a healthcare provider wishes to establish an easy and affordable way to give their patients medical advice overrepparttar 145249 web. The provider must haverepparttar 145250 ability to send and receive protected medical advice from work or home and cannot affordrepparttar 145251 installation, maintenance and expensive licensing fees associated with available server-based solutions. Furthermore,repparttar 145252 caregiver’s patients are largely non-technical and will not bother with cumbersome key exchange, s/mime and other requirements commonly associated with widely available encryption technologies.

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