Using This One Simple Word Helped Treble My Site's Profits

Written by Michael Cheney

This article is very important.

In fact,repparttar chances are it will give you more sales from your website. Now I'm not suggesting you're low on sales but we could all do with more sales right?

I first started using this word on my website about a year ago. Usingrepparttar 124652 word changedrepparttar 124653 whole focus of my website, my business and my life!

Sounds unbelievable doesn't it?

But it's not, it's entirely true and I want to share it with you.

You want to know what this word is don't you? Okay then - no more messing around then.

This word isrepparttar 124654 reason you are reading this article andrepparttar 124655 reason you carried on reading afterrepparttar 124656 first paragraph. Have you guessed it already? The single most important word you need to use on your homepage is "YOU"!.

You. You. You.

Using 'YOU' Brings Success

Usingrepparttar 124657 word 'you' on your homepage can have dramatic effects on how effective your website is at converting visitors into enquiries and sales. Usingrepparttar 124658 word 'YOU' gets across your business' message inrepparttar 124659 only way that truly works - fromrepparttar 124660 customer's point of view.

Now you might be thinking this is all obvious stuff. And it is! But just remember to look atrepparttar 124661 next few homepages you visit and see how many site owners are not following this simplest but most effective of rules.

Most businesses fall intorepparttar 124662 trap of wording things in this way:

"We provide such and such a product. We are industry-leaders.. We are based in .."

What you should be doing is changingrepparttar 124663 entire angle and 'voice' of your website around from an anonymous corporate 'brochure-type-speak' into a more personal YOU-focused angle. Take a look at my homepage and you'll see what I mean - . Now take a look at your homepage - how many 'YOU's have you got on your page?

So Why Is Using 'YOU' So Important?

Because YOU arerepparttar 124664 most important thing in YOUR universe. You don't want to hear about me, my company, what we do or what our strengths are - you want to hear what's in it for YOU.

Studies show that you should have around 70% of all sales and marketing literature comprised of words like 'YOU', 'YOUR', 'YOURS' etc. This might seem like an uphill struggle at first and your initial attempts might not read too well but you will soon getrepparttar 124665 hang of it.

How To Properly Submit Your Website To Directories

Written by Jeff Schuman

How To Properly Submit Your Website To Directories © 2004 Jeff D. Schuman

Having a top placement on a search engine and enjoyingrepparttar traffic that comes with a top ranking is dependent on many things. Certainly atrepparttar 124651 top of that list is having as many links and quality links pointing to your site. Your competition has hundreds and possibly even thousands of links pointing back to them. This is what it is going to take for you to compete with them as well.

Did you know that over 90% of search engine traffic comes from Google, Yahoo, and MSN. These three search engines provide results for many other search engines, and if you are listed on these three search engines, your site will be listed on many other search engines too.

AltaVista for example gets their search results from Yahoo. AOL and Netscape use Google and also get some results from Open Directories like DMOZ.

When you see an ad offering to submit your site to thousands of search engines save your money. It simply is not worthrepparttar 124652 time it takes to sign up for their service and you are better off to spend your money on another form of promoting.

What is worthrepparttar 124653 time and money is to submit your site to as many different directories as possible. Directories are viewed by human beings before being approved for submission and their inclusion helps increase your link popularity as you have more and more links pointing back to your site.

Since your submission is viewed by human beings it is important that you make sure your site is ready to be submitted. To get your site in shape to be submitted considerrepparttar 124654 following:

1. Make sure your site is completed. Fix all broken links. Have all pages completed. Make sure it loads properly and quickly. If you want get another opionion on whether it is ready to be submitted. Here is a good company that validates websites:

2. Findrepparttar 124655 correct category to be listed under. Although this can be frustrating it is important to takerepparttar 124656 time to findrepparttar 124657 correct category and sub-category for your site to be listed under. Choosingrepparttar 124658 wrong category could result in your site being denied.

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