Using Painless Sedation, Fort Worth Dentist Eliminates Common Fear of Dentistry

Written by Ron Scott

If you are like me, you put off a visit torepparttar dentist untilrepparttar 142720 pain in your mouth exceedsrepparttar 142721 discomfort you know you will experience whenrepparttar 142722 dentist first pokes that needle intorepparttar 142723 muscle tissue inrepparttar 142724 back of your mouth. Too, if you are as old as I am, you cringe every time you recallrepparttar 142725 number of times a hurried dentist started drilling beforerepparttar 142726 painfully administered anesthetic fully kicked in.

My exaggerated dislike for dentists is long standing. A child ofrepparttar 142727 Great Depression, my father didn’t believe in pain killers, at least forrepparttar 142728 children in his family who didn’t do a good job of brushing their teeth and that view of parenting was reinforced byrepparttar 142729 stenciled name onrepparttar 142730 frosted glass of our family dentist’s door. (Out of respect forrepparttar 142731 dearly departed, he will remain nameless.) To me, he will always berepparttar 142732 personification of pain and punishment,repparttar 142733 enforcer of my father’s will. So why am I writing this? Simply said, my fear of dentists disappeared recently when a broken tooth I’d been ignoring for several weeks finally gotrepparttar 142734 best of me. It had finally broken apart andrepparttar 142735 exposed nerve couldn’t be mollified with warm salt water.

In considerable pain I arrived Dr. Huckabee’s office in Southlake inrepparttar 142736 afternoon expectingrepparttar 142737 worst. First, I didn’t expect that there would be a dentist in all of Fort Worth available to take care ofrepparttar 142738 problem immediately so I’d have to deal with my fears through a sleepless night. Second, if one was available it would inevitably prove to be just another traumatic dental experience because he/she would be in a hurry to get home. Neither expectation turned out to be accurate. Much to my surprise, Dr. Huckabee, immediately took me on as a patient. What transpired, thereafter, made me finally realize that my fears could finally be put to rest - dental pain is no longer a given.

Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer of Med America Research Finds Correlation Between Contaminated Food and Alzheimer’s

Written by Ron Scott

The notion that Alzheimer’s, Creutzelf-Jakob, and Mad Cow Disease may be caused byrepparttar consumption of meat and dairy products has, up to now, been pretty much dismissed byrepparttar 142719 medical research community but an article written recently by Lawrence Broxmeyer, M.D. of Med-America Research, is beginning to turn heads. “The possibility ofrepparttar 142720 age-related reemergence of food borne Mycobacterium bovis (bovine tuberculosis) as a vector for Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease (CJD or human Mad Cow Disease) and Mad Cow disease itself is very real,” Broxmeyer asserts.

Broxmeyer’s article “Thinkingrepparttar 142721 Unthinkable: Alzheimer’s, Creutzfeldt–Jakob and Mad Cow disease -repparttar 142722 age-related re-emergence of virulent, food borne, bovine tuberculosis, or losing your mind forrepparttar 142723 sake of a shake or burger” is a well documented research study that is just now gettingrepparttar 142724 attention it deserves partly as a result of a report byrepparttar 142725 Center for Disease Control (CDC). .

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported last May of an outbreak of CJD linked torepparttar 142726 consumption of meat contaminated “withrepparttar 142727 agent causing” bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) at a New Jersey racetrack betweenrepparttar 142728 time frame 1995-2004. Inrepparttar 142729 opinion of experts, ample justification now exists for considering a similar pathogenesis for Alzheimer’s, Creutzfeldt–Jakob andrepparttar 142730 other spongiform encephalopathies such as Mad Cow disease. In fact, Creutzfeldt–Jakob and Alzheimer’s often coexist and at this point are thought to differ merely by time-dependent physical changes. A recent study links up to 13% of all “Alzheimer’s” victims as really having Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.

According to Broxmeyer, Bovine tuberculosis, which includes Mycobacterium bovis and M. avium-intracellulare or paratuberculosis, is and has always beenrepparttar 142731 most prevalent threat torepparttar 142732 cattle industry, andrepparttar 142733 USDA reports that between 20% and 40% of US dairy herds are infected with paratuberculosis alone.

The health risk for milk tainted with M. bovis has been known for decades and there was a time not so long ago when ‘tuberculin-tested’ was printed on every milk container. “Schliesser stated that meat from tuberculous animals may also constitute a significant risk of infection. Atrepparttar 142734 turn ofrepparttar 142735 20th century 25% ofrepparttar 142736 many US deaths from TB in adults were caused by M. bovis,” Broxmeyer goes on to say.

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