Using Feng Shui to Harness the Power of Your Intention

Written by Vicky White

Master Lin Yun, founder of Black Hat Tibetan Feng Shui, has stated that making Feng Shui enhancements without intention, is only 10% effective. However, add intention and you'll get a 120% improvement!

If you listen to successful people talk about what makes them successful, one ofrepparttar elements is being clear about what they want. And it's not just a vague idea, like to be happy, or to be wealthy. Their goals are SMART goals, they are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. So, what'srepparttar 123595 outcome you are going for? How will you know when you reach it?

Everything around you affects you. Whether it's a pile of clutter, a relationship that is dragging you down, or a broken doorbell - everything is part of what you are creating, whether you are conscious of it or not.

Learning about Feng Shui will give you a heightened awareness of how you interrelate with everything in your environment. That's quite a responsibility. So,repparttar 123596 question becomes - do you want to go through your life hoping things work out, or do you want to design a fulfilling and passionate life for yourself? Do you want to berepparttar 123597 cause orrepparttar 123598 effect?

Applying Feng Shui with intention will set your life on an altered course. You're making a commitment - it's powerful. I've seen clients begin Coaching, or Feng Shui, feeling stuck in an aspect of their lives, and within one week had several options magically open up to them. They unleashed a series of opportunities and opened up a pipeline to possibility. It's also about focus. What you focus on expands, and when you move from focusing on feeling stuck, to a wider view of focusing on outcomes,repparttar 123599 Universe steps in to support you.

And why not go for some BHAGs? they are Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals. Live your life as a daring adventure. You haverepparttar 123600 opportunity to create whatever you choose for Your life, so think big!

Lessons from the Ultimate Declutter

Written by Vicky White

The Chinese say if you want to make big changes in your life, move 27 things in your home.

Imaginerepparttar change you can create by moving thousands of things. You can userepparttar 123594 potentially stressful situation of moving house to consciously design your new life.

1. If you want to simplify your life, move to a smaller home. You will collect things to fillrepparttar 123595 available space. Moving to a smaller living space inevitably means making choices about what is going with you.

2. You always have more stuff than you think. When you start to fill boxes to move, you are certain to not have enough boxes. Be prepared to be horrified atrepparttar 123596 amount of stuff you have. There is a saying in Feng Shui “there is no hiding from Feng Shui eyes”. There is also no hiding fromrepparttar 123597 view of everything you own sitting in boxes in front of you. Now you know what has been affecting your life.

3. Even if you've been vigilant with clutter, you will still be surprised by how much you have. All those nooks and crannies that don't usually register onrepparttar 123598 clutter radar screen will burst forth to grab your attention when you move.

4. Packing and moving stirs up all your emotions - you need to be kind to yourself. Sleep well, eat well, take time for renewal. Moving house is ranked right up there with divorce and unemployment as top stress creators. If more than one of these happens atrepparttar 123599 same timerepparttar 123600 effect is multiplied.

5. Part ofrepparttar 123601 moving process is celebrating all you're grateful for in what you are leaving behind. Allrepparttar 123602 gifts,repparttar 123603 lessons,repparttar 123604 environment that has sheltered you and been such a big part of who you are, and were....

6. It's likerepparttar 123605 New Year – it’s a great opportunity to reassess your priorities and get rid of all sorts of physical and emotional baggage. Moving house to another area gives yourepparttar 123606 opportunity to decide who you want to give your new phone number to, and what you want to carry forward into your new life. It's also a great opportunity to begin new self care and work practices.

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