Using Emotion for Persuasion

Written by David Bell

The other day, I receivedrepparttar last issue of a business magazine before my subscription runs out. Now, I like this magazine, but I'm swamped with reading matter so I won't renew.

Of course, I've received many reminders and offers about renewing; magazines try very hard to keeprepparttar 102905 subscribers they've got. So whenrepparttar 102906 last issue came with a special promotional wrapper onrepparttar 102907 cover, I wasn't surprised.

But, what made this one interesting was a clever piece of copy that hit an emotional chord: insiderepparttar 102908 back cover ofrepparttar 102909 special wrapper wererepparttar 102910 words, "You're about to be dropped from our list of active subscribers. Unless you act now."

Personally, I thought it was an effective piece of copy (even though I still won't renew). It made an emotional case for what is essentially a business-to-business offer.

Many people who write persuasive copy, whether in sales letters or internal memos, sayrepparttar 102911 rest of us underestimaterepparttar 102912 power of emotion in gettingrepparttar 102913 response we want from our messages.

There's a sort of rule of thumb that goes like this: Consumers buy on emotion and justify on reason. In other words, we, as buyers, think we're being rational in making a decision to purchase, or in choosing among different offers, but in reality we makerepparttar 102914 decision with our hearts and then justify that decision with our reasoning powers.

Inrepparttar 102915 case ofrepparttar 102916 magazine copy, I was about to be dropped -- Imagine! Me being dropped! -- fromrepparttar 102917 list of active subscribers. I'm not sure what active subscribers are: do they also have passive subscribers? But,repparttar 102918 meaning comes through. I'm about to get dropped from an exclusive club unless I act now.

A Never-Fail Business Opportunity

Written by Alan Tutt

A Never-Fail Business Opportunity by Alan Tutt

Everywhere you look online, someone is touting a new, fully tested, impossible-to-fail method of making more money than you've ever dreamed possible.

And if you'rerepparttar type to fall forrepparttar 102904 flash and sizzle ofrepparttar 102905 marketing claims, you've tried enough of them to know that it ain't always what it's cracked up to be.

Actually, I get a chuckle out of many ofrepparttar 102906 get-rich-quick schemes that flood my email inbox on a daily basis. Even though some of these proposals do seem to have some validity, I know enough aboutrepparttar 102907 true secrets of prosperity to know when a proposal is a genuine business opportunity, and when it's just a baited lure onrepparttar 102908 end of a fishing line.

I learned this from personal experience.

When I was still in high-school, my dad helped me get into a business that sounded great. In only a matter of months, we would be earning well over $5000 per month, and after a year, we'd be earning over $20,000 per month.

The company we talked to gave us newspaper clippings and industry reports to showrepparttar 102909 demand for what we would be producing. They gave us pages of numbers showing us just how easy our product would multiply and grow in value. They gave us so much information that we just KNEW that we could succeed inrepparttar 102910 business of earthworm farming.

Right now, I'm imagining that most people who read this will be rolling onrepparttar 102911 floor with laughter. I understand completely. Even now, thinking about that time, I can't believe we were so foolish to think that we could make that much money with worms.

My dad and I spent over a year building special boxes in which to keeprepparttar 102912 earthworms. We wateredrepparttar 102913 soil every day and sprinkled corn meal and alfalfa over it before we broke uprepparttar 102914 soil to give those little guys room to move around.

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