Use an 'Inverted Triangle' in Your Introduction

Written by Ron Sathoff

When I was teaching public speaking, one ofrepparttar biggest complaints I heard from my students was, "I don't know how to start!" This is a problem that goes well beyond classroom speeches, however. Many ofrepparttar 102034 questions I get from business speakers are also about introductions: Should I use a joke? Should I just state my position right away? How do I getrepparttar 102035 audience's attention?

One tool that I have found to be very useful when trying to write an introduction is calledrepparttar 102036 "Inverted Triangle." This concept is used mainly in journalism, but it works great for speech introductions as well. When writing your introduction, visualize it as a triangle with its widest part atrepparttar 102037 top andrepparttar 102038 point atrepparttar 102039 bottom.

This triangle represents how specific your information is at any given time in your introduction. The wide part atrepparttar 102040 top represents fairly general information, and, asrepparttar 102041 triangle becomes narrower,repparttar 102042 information becomes more specific. In essence,repparttar 102043 inverted triangle is just a way to remember that you should go fromrepparttar 102044 general torepparttar 102045 specific in your introduction.

I've found thatrepparttar 102046 best way to put this into practice is to start off by talking about some general issue or problem. Then, I try to apply it more specifically torepparttar 102047 audience that I am talking to. Then I become even more specific by advocating a particular plan or solution.

Terrible Twos, Terrible Teens/Dr. Bill Gallagher, DC

Written by Joan Bramsch

Terrible Twos, Terrible Teens by Dr. Bill Gallagher, DC

Someone once told me that being a teenager is a second chance to learn what you missed when you were two. At first it sounded like a stretch but, after taking a closer look, it was right on target.

Growing up is a challenging process that does not end after passing those teen years. Hopefully, it will continue right on through adulthood and, for that matter, for as long as you live. For now let's take a closer look at that most difficult time of growth, both physically and emotionally.

This is a time when your body goes through a tremendous growth spurt. In a relatively short span of your life your body grows to almost twicerepparttar size of what it use to be. Arms and legs seem to have a mind of their own as you try to coordinate their movement. Muscle mass increases to help you run faster and jump higher. Everything changes so fast that when you pass a mirror you may not be sure who that is looking back at you.

It is a time of considerable learning. Information pours in at such a pace and on a daily basis that it is amazing anyone could process it all. Even so, you manage to catalog most of it somewhere in your brain for future use. Then, each time one of those stored bits of information shows up again, everyone else inrepparttar 102033 room can see your lights turning on. All that information will also be used to help you make decisions as to what is right and what is wrong. You learn more and more to avoidrepparttar 102034 things that hurt and go toward those that bring you pleasure. Hopefully, you also learn which are good choices.

It is a time when communication is probablyrepparttar 102035 biggest issue. Yes, you have a vocabulary that allows you to get what you need but, in order to function, you need to learn more words and how to use them more eloquently. Not being able to do so can lead to insurmountable frustration, where you don't know whether to be upset with yourself or your parents, who simply don't understand you.

It is a time when, for some unknown reason, you have a need to testrepparttar 102036 limits. When you are trying to convince your parents that you are old enough to do what you want to do and responsible enough to make your own decisions. When you are not always understood. Whenrepparttar 102037 words fail and you know you are not being heard, andrepparttar 102038 frustration leads you to simply have a fit.

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