Use Your Sig for All Its Worth

Written by Susan Dunn, Coach

Permission is granted to reprint this article ifrepparttar bio line stays intact.

Email is a unique opportunity when you’re marketing. It’s like being a business owner and havingrepparttar 121419 customer standing right in front of you, a captive audience. Treat this person asrepparttar 121420 target market and make your signature block, your “sig,” work for you. It's part of branding.

I don't recommend using an autoresponder unless you absolutely must. The Internet is very relationship-oriented, andrepparttar 121421 more you can personalize your messagerepparttar 121422 more it will attract, andrepparttar 121423 less it will appear like spam.

In coaching, many coaches attach quotations to their sig lines and also use unique closings. Because coaching is a relationship, and based on a “fit” between coach and client, it's good to use every opportunity to broadcast who you are and to engagerepparttar 121424 reader. You are into a relationship fromrepparttar 121425 first second you make contact, whether you acknowledge this or not.

Unique closings also prevail. "Butterflies and sunshine," and “we’re all in this together,” as well as “joyfully,” and “vibrantly” have appeared in my email box. This tells you something aboutrepparttar 121426 person that's unique right away! Atrepparttar 121427 same time,repparttar 121428 nature ofrepparttar 121429 quoterepparttar 121430 coach chooses tells me much about their style and personality. Some are bold (“If you can’t seerepparttar 121431 light atrepparttar 121432 end ofrepparttar 121433 tunnel, stride down there and lightrepparttar 121434 damn thing yourself,” –David Wood). Some are tender, (“Beyond wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child ofrepparttar 121435 universe,” –Max Ehrmann), and some are humorous (“The average, healthy, well-adjusted adult gets up at seven-thirty inrepparttar 121436 morning feeling just plain terrible.”) I'm getting more and more quotes from businesses as well, and I like them. While this form of closing may not be appropriate for your use with your business, be aware ofrepparttar 121437 potential ofrepparttar 121438 sig.

Marketing a Professional Practice Free Through Writing

Written by Susan Dunn, M. A.

Since I'm a writer and a coach, I grow my coaching practice by writing; it gets my name around, establishes my expertise, promotes my services and alsorepparttar field of coaching.

Always do your marketing in areas that you love! It works best.

Writing itself takes time, so I economize my efforts. Here's what I do:

1. Read a current interest book such as "A General Theory of Love," by Lewis, Amini and Lannon. Then I do extensive Internet research aroundrepparttar 121418 topic to see what else is out there.

2. Reviewrepparttar 121419 book on Barnes & Noble,

3. Write an article aboutrepparttar 121420 new theory of love and submit it to your particular trade sources.

4. Create Top 10s, Coaching Tips, and Quotations fromrepparttar 121421 material. (Submit to

5. Reworkrepparttar 121422 material and write a story for another sort of ezine (relationships, for instance, or singles) - this could be for free, or for money.

6. Write an article onrepparttar 121423 topic for your own ezine. If it's a large topic, break it down into a series of short articles.

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