Use It Or Lose It!Written by Maire Hodder
Use It Or Lose It!One can clearly appreciate all of technological advances in today’s modern world. Efficiency in work place, improved health-care, and increased leisure time are only tip of ice-berg in this brave new world. However; there are some drawbacks. Somehow during never-ending search for ‘newer, bigger, better’, we have lost sight of our most valuable asset. (NO, it’s not a big screen T.V.) It’s Our Minds! I find it very disconcerting that there are high school graduates that can’t read or write. I find it truly terrifying that they can’t add without a calculator. Have you ever been a customer at a store or a restaurant and witnessed some poor cashier struggling to arrive at correct total and change? Yet this same person can surf net and download songs and movies faster than speed of light. We are spawning an entire generation of techno-junkies that has only most rudimentary survival skills.
| | The REAL people's war!: 'great satan'Written by James Sorrell
[ "The trouble with ignorance is that you don't know it when you need it!"---Jim Sorrell ] For years ignorance & emotion has clouded issue when Arabs, or anyone else, point to some country or people and call them "the great satan"! (As Iraq cleric al-Sadr has done.) When will people learn that Satan, himself, IS 'great satan'? [The very real, as Real as YOU are, fallen angel Lucifer, who incites and murders human race daily.] With fallen angel's negative, manipulative influence gone, a lot of human race's problems would vanish overnight! We only need to learn how they function (tampering with our thoughts, feelings & emotions, and then inciting us against each other), and then ignore them by instituting a planet-wide truce between all people while we sort out our own humanity!