Up Your Down Cycles (i-mail article)

Written by Doug C. Grant

UP YOUR DOWN CYCLES (i-mail article)

by Doug C. Grant

"I told you...and told you...and told you. Now look at yourself."

It was Other-Self again with one of his nagging i-mails. As usual, I was in no mood for another holier than thou lecture. But unlike e-mail, i-mail arrives internally and cannot be ignored or deleted.

Atrepparttar time I was busy surfingrepparttar 123681 ceiling of my office. The designs imbedded inrepparttar 123682 plaster can suggest all sorts of faces and objects to an unengaged mind. I admit this isn't a productive activity but it requires little or no energy. Without removing my eyes fromrepparttar 123683 ceiling I muttered a tired response, "And just what is it that you've told me and told me and told me?"

"You need to develop an energy reserve mentality."

"Energy reserve mentality! Where did you come up with that?"

"It wasn't difficult. I see what happens almost every day. You blitzrepparttar 123684 morning and by mid-afternoon you're too tired to do anything but ceiling surf."

"So what's your problem? Morning is my best time. What would you have me do? Goof awayrepparttar 123685 morning and loserepparttar 123686 best part of my day?"

"A bit of goofing now and then won't hurt anything."

"I don't believe I'm hearing this. You of all people. Master ofrepparttar 123687 push...push...push and do...do...do."

"I admit that I prefer activity to lounging. But I also see no need to kill an afternoon by overindulgingrepparttar 123688 morning."

Despite myself I was becoming interested. This advice seemed so uncharacteristic of Other-Self. "I confess that often my afternoons tend to slow a bit but ‛kill' is rather a strong word."

"In other words, you feel that ceiling surfing is a great form of productivity?"

"It's just my way of resting. Replenishing my energy for new activities."

"Nonsense. Your day stops atrepparttar 123689 ceiling. Oh you may revive a little. But then you just move on to more piddle. And why? Because you used up all your energy duringrepparttar 123690 morning sprint which leaves you nothing to keeprepparttar 123691 afternoon and evening going. So you end up saying something like, ‛I was going to sort through those tax records tonight but I'm just not inrepparttar 123692 mood.' And then you reach forrepparttar 123693 television remote. Confess it. Do I not speakrepparttar 123694 truth?"

"Hey listen. Everybody deserves a little time to unwind."

"Unwind! Is that what you call it? More like unraveling to my way of thinking."

"Can we get torepparttar 123695 point here. What are you suggesting?"

"As I said inrepparttar 123696 beginning, you must develop an Energy Reserve Mentality. Start with breakfast. Instead of your usual snack, bolt and belch routine, take a few extra minutes to relax with good energy food. A twenty minute nutritious breakfast is worth at least an extra hour of reserve energy inrepparttar 123697 afternoon."

Principles of Human Misery / Happiness:

Written by Joseph Ghabi

Principles of Human Misery / Happiness:

Sometimes we are so occupied with our daily routine in life that we forget that “we” arerepparttar most important element of our existence. We need to be nourished in order to grow.

When we look atrepparttar 123680 people around us, we most likely find that most people’s favorite pastime is to complain. And just why do we complain anyway? Is it because we need something? Is it that we lack something? Is it that we need or want sympathy? Is it because we need attention? Is it just that we just like to complain; or is it that we just like to hear ourselves talk? Is it becoming a pattern with you? These are some ofrepparttar 123681 most common elements that describe our problem.

I generated a list that can either make us happy, or it can make us miserable. Sometimes we need to drawrepparttar 123682 line for ourselves, and we arerepparttar 123683 only ones who can do that!

Be Happy!

1-Just simply be happy and content with yourself, and who you are. 2-Love yourself. 3-Accept yourself for who you are, and as you are. 4-Life is simple, stop trying to complicate it. 5-Life is about understanding. The lessons and experiences you have are only for your own growth and for better soul awareness. 6-Discover who you are, and your soul, and get acquainted with that. 7-Make some time for yourself every day. 8-Learn to listen. 9-Pay attention to your child(ren), help your elders, and you will feel fulfilled. 10-Be good to yourself. 11-Accept humiliation as part of your growth. 12-Always have peace of mind. It’s not easy, but try to create it.

Life isn’t what challenges us, “we” challenge “ourselves”.

Be Miserable!

1-Do live for other people and feel miserable. 2-Do look to others for support, become dependent on others. 3-Do live up to a fake image that is not you. 4-Do take care of everyone before yourself. 5-Do always negate yourself. 6-Do love others before loving yourself. 7-Do live according to traditions just to please others or do things that do not fit in with your own philosophy in life. 8-Do live other people’s life karma who they are. That including your family. Live your own life karma. 9-Become greedy, jealous, stubborn, or too sensitive to accept criticism. 10-Do allow your ego and pride to take over your life.

Life is simple so let’s stop complicating it.

Choices are out there. It is up to you to choose your own direction in life. It is very important to realize that we hold our own destiny in life, and no one else’s. It is also very important to understand your own rights, because you do have FREE WILL. Evenrepparttar 123684 GOD, which I refer to as a “Great Energy Force”, that you believe in respects your Free Will because you are part of this GOD and that energy is in us always. If your GOD does not respect that, then it becomes a contradiction and goes against all that’s out there in all religions. This “great energy force” is all about love, forgiveness and compassion, and not anything else.

When our GOD will respect our Free Will, why aren’t we humans respecting each other’s Free Will? In many instances we have been raped of our Free Will byrepparttar 123685 many limitations which are inflicted upon us every day. Such limitations can manipulaterepparttar 123686 direction we will take in our lives, thus affecting our karma. We do this as individuals and as a society.

When a human Soul says NO to someone, it does NOT mean YES or that they can try to manipulaterepparttar 123687 other person in order to change their decision, by tapping into their weaker side. No means No and that has to be respected at all times otherwise we are creating karma for our soul.

As a society, we witness this being manifested throughout history by every empire, civilization, or source of power that had surfaced over time. They all came, and disappeared quickly. Why is that? Very simple! When these civilizations were taking control over other civilizations, against their Free Will and their way of life, it helped to create a deep anger, and frustration and all kind of energies that accumulated and became a universal force which was ready to explode atrepparttar 123688 right time. Atrepparttar 123689 same time these civilizations became greedier, and wanted to control everything until things started to crack and fall apart. We have seen this throughout history and, as we know, history has a way of repeating itself because we never learn. Whilerepparttar 123690 pattern remains misunderstood, we will keep repeating it until we learnrepparttar 123691 intended lesson. I will go over, at a future date,repparttar 123692 concept of a nine-year cycle for us as individuals, and how we can apply it to our society.

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