
Written by Yolanda Shoshana

Women rock! This year has seen some noted achievements forrepparttar sisterhood this year. For starters, there are more women millionaires and billionaires, moving and shaking, thanks to Oprah and J.K. Rawling. Speaking of Oprah, she is making fifty look "fabulous" and an age to look forward to. The film world finally got it together an nominated a woman for best director. It is fitting thatrepparttar 130717 woman should be Frances Ford Coppola's daughter, Sophia Coppola.

With that said, a question should be posed. Withrepparttar 130718 rising number of women trailblazers, why are there new examples of women "asked" to take steps back?

Janet Jackson caused shock waves aroundrepparttar 130719 world when her breast made a guest appearance duringrepparttar 130720 Super Bowl half time performance. It may not beenrepparttar 130721 best decision that Ms. Jackson has ever made, but weeks later she is still paying for her mistake. The question that came to my mind is why is it okay for Dennis Franz to show his out of shape bare ass on television? Also, it is impossible to keep up withrepparttar 130722 media sources that show half naked women or ads with women in erotic and kid like poses. Janet Jackson's breast has created a backlash on women being able to have control of their sexuality. Is a woman in control of her sexuality so evil torepparttar 130723 world? Maybe this is one ofrepparttar 130724 many reasons why fewer married women and women in long term relationships are having orgasms. Somewhere downrepparttar 130725 road women went back torepparttar 130726 "men have needs" form of sexual pleasure.

INFIDELITY ADVICE: How Gifts Can Expose Your Cheating

Written by by Ruth Houston © 2004

INFIDELITY ADVICE: How Gifts Can Expose Your Cheating Husband

by Ruth Houston © 2004

Beverley was ecstatic when she discovered a box containing a handcrafted, one-of-a-kind gold bracelet she’d been admiring at her favorite jewelry store. Thinking it was a surprise gift from her husband, Beverley said nothing about what she’d found. Butrepparttar box soon disappeared. Several weeks later, at her health club, Beverley saw a woman wearing a bracelet exactly likerepparttar 130715 one she’d seen inrepparttar 130716 box. After making some discreet inquiries, and finding several telltale signs to corroborate her suspicions, Beverley learned that her husband and this woman were having an affair.

A cheating husband can often be exposed byrepparttar 130717 gifts he gives or receives. The wife who knows what to look for and where to look can usually find tangible evidence of her husband’s infidelity.

Laura found a gift box containing a sexy negligee inrepparttar 130718 trunk of her husband's car. He then tried to convince Laurarepparttar 130719 salesclerk had mistakenly putrepparttar 130720 wrong size inrepparttar 130721 box. Since Laura had already found other telltale signs of a possible affair, his excuses fell on deaf ears.

The exchange of gifts between lovers can be your cheating husband’s undoing. It can confirm your suspicions and provide you with proof that your husband is having an affair.

While going through her husband’s pockets before dropping off his clothes atrepparttar 130722 cleaners, Susan discovered a jewelry store receipt for 2 identical pairs of earrings. Her husband had given her a pair of gold earrings for her birthday last week. But who had he givenrepparttar 130723 other pair?

Whether your husband pays for his lover’s gifts by cash, check, or credit card, there will usually be a paper trail. The type of gift orrepparttar 130724 amount of money it cost can also indicate an extramarital affair. If you suspect your husband of infidelity, be alert forrepparttar 130725 following gift-related telltale signs:

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