Unlocking the marketing power of the web!

Written by Frank Williams

Unlockingrepparttar marketing power ofrepparttar 120628 web! By Frank Williams

If you are not utilizingrepparttar 120629 power ofrepparttar 120630 web as an integral part of your marketing program and business strategy, you are simply asleep! And your competition loves you for it.

In today's Internet-loving environment, you and your business should clearly understandrepparttar 120631 huge benefits of an effectively designed and properly utilized e-presence. Usingrepparttar 120632 Internet is virtually free, providing a worldwide customer reach for your message and product. Imagination isrepparttar 120633 only limitation in effectively utilizingrepparttar 120634 Internet in your marketing. Quickly and easily,repparttar 120635 Internet will cost-effectively provide current information to your target market in a non-intrusive and timely manner.

The Internet has becomerepparttar 120636 great equalizer for thinking businesses wishing to thrive inrepparttar 120637 21st century. I dare you to ‘surf-the-web' and pick 10 companies at random and tell me how big their annual revenue is. Whether your business is just starting out, or celebrating its 25th year,repparttar 120638 Internet tends to levelrepparttar 120639 playing field, initially providing equal access to your targeted market. And that is a primary task for any marketing group wishing to grow their business.

There are a number of aspects to an effective "on-line" presence adding both reach and currency to your total marketing strategy. Short of being just an e-business, your e-presence should compliment other marketing efforts. In other words,repparttar 120640 look & feel ofrepparttar 120641 web site, e-newsletters, e-mail, etc. should reflect and reinforcerepparttar 120642 image you already send to your target markets through sales brochures, direct mail, product presentations, and corporate communiqués.

Developing an on-line presence takes some thought and planning. Don't wing it! As a start, applyrepparttar 120643 same process to creating a first class web site that you do to your other marketing programs. Capturerepparttar 120644 same image and message on line that you already convey in other marketing collateral dispensed byrepparttar 120645 company and its sales representatives. Don't skimp - a poorly deigned web site sendsrepparttar 120646 wrong message. Especially when there are many inexpensive ways to create a highly polished, professional grade version.

Depending on your business, Global Marketing believes that a comprehensive Internet effort should include a few key parts. Each part comes with a set of Do's and Don'ts that will make or break your e-marketing programs. If you are new or not sure, Global Marketing recommends that you hire a consultant or a reputable Web site design group to assist your initial entry.

► Creating your web site Your web site becomesrepparttar 120647 centerpiece or catalyst for all of your e-marketing efforts. Don't get caught up in telling everyone how great your company and senior executives are, rather informrepparttar 120648 potential customer why working with your firm will benefit them. After all,repparttar 120649 primary purpose of marketing is to create sales opportunity. The web site should be another tool to this end.

If you hire a consultant or web design group, they already understand how to effectively paint your message onrepparttar 120650 Internet landscape. If you decide to do it in-house, then a few simple reminders may help:

Make your web site easy to read with a crisp message on how and whyrepparttar 120651 customer benefits Make your web site intuitive and easy to navigate, keep things simple and informative Makerepparttar 120652 look & feel similar to your other marketing collateral to reinforce your brand image Stay away from fancy graphics, video and audio - many people still access through slow modems Make sure it's clear how they can contact you if they want more information To increase your web site traffic ( leverages search engine use ) utilize meta tags Keep your site fresh with frequent and informative updates that motivate return visits Test your site often with multiple browsers to ensure it plays at all levels Make your content important, timely and relevant - provide value to your visitors, and they will return

► Creating Sales opportunities A web site begins to stitch together your overall e-presence. Your next step is to turn your web site into a pro-active marketing tool that reaches out and creates sales opportunities for your business. One method used frequently is a high quality and informative eNewsletter.

An eNewsletter is easy to create, and easier to distribute. Withrepparttar 120653 click of one button, you can literally send your eNewsletter to millions of prospective customers. The beauty of an eNewsletter is that it is immediate and virtually free viarepparttar 120654 Internet - considerrepparttar 120655 alternative snail-mail of $0.18/copy (bulk-rate) and 5-7 business days to delivery. An eNewsletter can be an effective promotional tool breathing sustained value into your company's offering, while providing a greater competitive advantage.

eNewsletters can be an effective tool in generating new sales opportunities or made irrelevant and considered worthless spam. The way you approach this important and special communication with your target market decides which label your customers give it.

Some things to consider when developing your eNewsletter. The key to any well-written eNewsletter is capturing e-mail addresses and building your customer database. The more email addressesrepparttar 120656 better, however, give your target market an option by inviting them to "opt-in " to your eNewsletter. In other words, don't ‘spam' them by sendingrepparttar 120657 eNewsletter unless they asked for it. It devalues your eNewsletter no matterrepparttar 120658 contents.

Global Marketing realizes that it is tempting to buy a ready list of e-mail names. There is a time to buy e-mail lists; this is not one of them. Keep your eNewsletter as a special prize provided to select individuals and only available by visiting your web site. By getting them to your site you can present your marketing message andrepparttar 120659 benefits to their company. The eNewsletter now becomes an effective follow-on hook. And you get them to sign-on for your eNewsletter by makingrepparttar 120660 content compelling. Your topics should be current and relevant, with tips that help their business grow and develop. An easy read, that is non-intrusive, yet timely, focused and value packed.

Shy away from incorporating graphics into your eNewsletter. It's tempting to use frames and splash fancy graphics around that makerepparttar 120661 piece more eye appealing, but resist. As ubiquitous asrepparttar 120662 Internet is, many individuals still accessrepparttar 120663 Internet through slow modems and older, non-compatible PC's. Don't make it hard for your prospect to gain information. These bringrepparttar 120664 same sale opportunity as those using broadband Internet access. Try to concentrate on content, not form. You'll reach more opportunities and won't lose one point in image. Make it effortless for your readership to get easy access to additional information by inserting hyper links into your eNewsletter, but make sure they work. Nothing is more frustrating than to click on a link and find out it doesn't link!

How to get High-Quality TARGETED Traffic from StartPage Exchanges!

Written by Michael Hopkins

Promoting your website via Start Page Exchanges is a bit like holding up a sign atrepparttar airport - lots of people see you but nobody cares. Basically, with Start Page Exchanges, you set your browser home page to display a special URL given to you when you joinrepparttar 120627 Exchange and other members dorepparttar 120628 same. Their websites show up as your browser home page and your website shows up as theirs.

This guarantees extra hits to your website, butrepparttar 120629 quality ofrepparttar 120630 traffic isn'trepparttar 120631 best. There's little or no targeting so your message rarely reachesrepparttar 120632 right people.

Furthermore, Start Page Exchanges are closed systems. In other words, your site is only being promoted to those people who are ACTIVELY usingrepparttar 120633 system. The same surfer will probably see your website several times over.

Fortunately, with a little bit of work, you can devise a Start Page Exchange strategy that will get several systems working simultaneously and bringing in high-quality, targeted traffic - not just from members ofrepparttar 120634 exchange itself, but from right acrossrepparttar 120635 Internet. Here's how it works...


Develop a web page especially forrepparttar 120636 Start Page Exchanges. This can be a page from your website (if it's a real attention grabber) or it can be something separate altogether. The important thing is that this page has got to scream "LOOK AT ME!"

Remember,repparttar 120637 only people who use Start Page Exchanges are webmasters. If your own product or service isn't of interest to webmasters, it will be a hard sell. Find a product or service that has a good affiliate program and that's geared towardsrepparttar 120638 needs of webmasters. Promote that product via your Start Page Exchange page. Try to offer something for free - an e-book, a demo, a free trial, or whatever. Many ofrepparttar 120639 better affiliate programs will give you free stuff to promote. The ClickBank MarketPlace is a good place to start looking: http://clickbank.com/marketplace/

By way of example, take a peek atrepparttar 120640 page I use onrepparttar 120641 Start Page Exchanges: http://www.bizzydays.com/47k/

Now that you've got an attention-grabbing page that's geared towards webmasters, let's move on...


This is where we add some extra elements torepparttar 120642 page that brings in lots of extra traffic from outsiderepparttar 120643 exchanges.

If you looked at my example page and then closed it, you'll have noticed that a separate window then opened inrepparttar 120644 background. That Window was 'delivered' by ExitExchange: http://www.bizzydays.com/resources/exitexchange.htm.

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