Unleash Your True Potential

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Some time ago I attended a birthday party and met a young guy who just happened to be 30. I say young because when you're 47, that is a young age!

He told me about his career in a major corporate company where he's been working forrepparttar past 3 years.

John was complaining aboutrepparttar 104205 extremely long hours he works…sometimes from 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. weekdays and often on weekends. He bemoanedrepparttar 104206 fact he was tired and stressed and so was everyone else he worked with.

I asked him why he continued working these hours and he answered "It's expected. People are being retrenched and those remaining want to keep their jobs".

He felt that if he didn't do these ridiculous hours he too would be out of work.

My next question was "what are you going to do about your situation to change it?". John responded with "nothing". He had no energy left to work on his own life.

I had also asked him if he had done any personal development courses and he replied he had participated in company run ones. He had never invested his own time and money doing anything external.

Take Control Yourself I've found that those people who do not invest time and money in themselves and rely on their employer to pay for their development, dance to someone else's tune. They leave their future in someone else's hands.

The Pitfalls of Procrastination

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

We all put off making decisions and taking action sometimes (yes, me too). It's okay to do that occasionally but if you are a regular pontificator then it will constantly cause you pain, even if you aren't aware of it. By putting things off on a regular basis you hold yourself back and instead of progressing in your life, you'll regress.

Mary's Story I've been coaching Mary for overrepparttar past 6 months and she is a classic procrastinator. She'll often agree to taking necessary action which results from each coaching session she has and then not do anything. She's always gotrepparttar 104204 excuses. In fact she could write a book with some ofrepparttar 104205 reasons she comes up with. Her behaviour has had a dramatic impact on her business and personal life.

Her business is growing yet she can't keep up withrepparttar 104206 growth. She's constantly had staff issues because she puts off dealing with them.

Her office systems are in chaos as a result of not taking action.

She's losing money and having sleepless nights. Her personal life is taking a battering and her relationship with her husband is floundering. She know what she needs to do and yet will not takerepparttar 104207 time to getrepparttar 104208 foundations in place.

Now I just wanted to say thatrepparttar 104209 coaching hasn't been a failure in fact despite all of this, Mary has made progress … slowly.

She has finally had a wake up call. And it's such a shame it had to happen this way.

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