Unleash The Power Of Email Marketing

Written by Ronald Gibson

A direct mail campaign can cost you a lot of money. Contacting people via phone or voice mail can be very time-consuming and frustrating. Givenrepparttar inherent problems with these traditional marketing techniques, it`s important to masterrepparttar 105295 basic strategies for incorporating email into your overall campaign.

As I`ve just shown you, sending out an email can be much cheaper and less of a hassle than other marketing methods. Proceed with caution, however. Email can also cost you a fortune -- in lost opportunities and cold hard cash -- if you don`t knowrepparttar 105296 basics.

First, always keep in mind that your "primary objective".repparttar 105297 master key that unlocks your potential success in Internet Marketing is to build your mailing list - your email mailing list. (Often referred to as your "In-house list.").

The addresses you collect are going to meanrepparttar 105298 difference betweenrepparttar 105299 middle-of-the-road results that Average Joe and Jane are achieving andrepparttar 105300 through-the-roof, over-the-top, to-the-moon-and-back mega-success that top online sellers achieve. (The difference rcan really be that dramatic.) So don`t missrepparttar 105301 boat: There is no time likerepparttar 105302 present to start building your list of email addresses (prospects or leads).

You can begin to grow your list simply by capturing email addresses from people who visit your website.

Question: What`srepparttar 105303 easiest way to convince people to give you their email address? Answer: Offer an irresistible freebie with a sign-up form on your site or in a pop-up box, drive traffic to your site, and watch as people start entering their email address.

Okay, so now you`ve "inrepparttar 105304 groove". you`re capturing people`s emails like crazy. But if you`re just sitting there - well, you knowrepparttar 105305 old saying, "Even if you`re onrepparttar 105306 right track, you`ll get run over if you just sit there."

What next?

-- Let me take a moment from telling how to build your email list to remind you why building a list is so important. It`s been said that it is possible to make good money with an email list of only a thousand people. Think about that. Then stop thinking and get going on new ways to capture and keep email addresses.

Access Your PC From The Road

Written by Jim Edwards

Have you ever sat in front of your computer and wished you could show someone else what appeared on your screen?

Maybe you were experiencing a problem, or couldn't figure out how to make something work, but you knew if someone else could see what was happening on your screen, they could help you fixrepparttar problem immediately.

Ever had a phone conversation with someone about a particular business topic, but you just couldn't "connect" with your ideas because it was too hard to explain overrepparttar 105293 phone?

Now, visualize jumping onrepparttar 105294 phone with that same person and literally sharing your computer's desktop to collaborate, discuss, and create virtually anything together, even if you are separated by thousands of miles.

Though this may sound like an episode of Star Trek, remote computer sharing is actually a daily business reality.

Imagine you need to take a trip and you either don't want to or can't take your computer.

The thought of emails piling up for days makes you crazy and you also need to monitor some things on your pc.

Instead of trying to lug your laptop (or fit your desktop into your suitcase), you can use "remote desktop" software that allows you to access your computer throughrepparttar 105295 Internet from any other computer inrepparttar 105296 world.

One ofrepparttar 105297 most common remote desktop services is GoToMyPC.com, which provides a safe and secure way for you to go down torepparttar 105298 local internet café, log on, and access your office or home computer just like sitting at your own desk.

Now, before you panic and think anyone can access your computer, let me explain security.

First, you log in torepparttar 105299 GoToMyPC.com website with a username and password.

Once logged in, you then click a link to log onto your PC, which will then ask you for another password.

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