Unleash The Dragon … Inside Your Computer!

Written by Kevin J Vella

What can you do to avoid computer slow down? – Part One

Last week I promised you an article about avoiding computer slowdowns.

The topic is so close torepparttar hearts of most computer owners that I want to write about it over two articles instead of one!

In this first part I will give you an overview of what to look out for, while inrepparttar 141552 second part I will detail how you can improverepparttar 141553 wayrepparttar 141554 various parts of your computer interact to give you a faster, more stable and secure computing experience.

Avoiding slowdowns is really all about controlling as many parts or resources of your computer as possible. The most important step to knowing how to control your computer is to learn what really goes on inside it.

There are some very useful articles on http://computer.howstuffworks.com/. Initially, I would look at general explanations of how PCs, Operating Systems (Windows), CPUs, and computer memory work.

Written with non-technical users in mind, reading these articles doesn’t have to take too long. Byrepparttar 141555 end ofrepparttar 141556 article, you will develop a thorough knowledge ofrepparttar 141557 way things work inside your computer.

Also you will lean how hardware and software interact and work together to give you smooth running applications, great game-play and a generally stable and secure environment. So you can enjoy your computer without annoying slowdowns, degradation of hardware performance and crashes.

You will also realize that although your computer system is one ofrepparttar 141558 latest high-octane models, it is just as susceptible to slow-downs asrepparttar 141559 old one you have just recycled or thrown away.

The speed and performance of computer programs depend onrepparttar 141560 hardware that is installed and how allrepparttar 141561 system are set so there are no conflicts and obstacles torepparttar 141562 smooth functioning of allrepparttar 141563 interdependent parts.

For example, if you have a fast CPU but not enough memory, you will experience slowdowns. If your modem and your browser are set-up badly, your Internet bandwidth will suffer torepparttar 141564 point of possibly not being able to connect at all.

What Makes Up A Laptop? Batteries, Screens And Cpus

Written by Melissa Knab

Laptops, also known as notebook computers, are trendy and functional computer devices that are now giving business peoplerepparttar best of both worlds in terms of business efficiency and mobility largely due torepparttar 141527 fact that you can use batteries to power uprepparttar 141528 laptop for use anywhere, anytime. But what are laptops and what components go into making up a laptop device? For those who know little about laptops here is a quick overview ofrepparttar 141529 various components that make up these versatile and mobile machines.

Screens arerepparttar 141530 displays that you use to see whatrepparttar 141531 computer is doing whether it be typing words and numbers, surfingrepparttar 141532 Internet or manipulating images and photos. Laptops of years ago had very dim screens but these daysrepparttar 141533 displays are big and bright and easy to read. The two main options in terms of displays are "dual-scan" and "active-matrix." Dual-scan isrepparttar 141534 less expensive option, and while it used to be somewhat inferior is a very acceptable option for people on a budget. Active-matrix isrepparttar 141535 brighter ofrepparttar 141536 two.

Of course thoughrepparttar 141537 laptop is not just about displays you need to consider howrepparttar 141538 machine will actually run. Mobile CPUs arerepparttar 141539 component that makesrepparttar 141540 computer actually run. Buying a mobile CPU is an advantage because they use less power and keeprepparttar 141541 machine cooler.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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