Unleash A Thundering, Non-Stop Traffic Stampede To Your Site -- Practically Overnight!

Written by Paul Kelly

Are you FRUSTRATED byrepparttar lack of qualified traffic visiting your site? Are you FED UP of paying these so called SEO Experts who charge you an arm and a leg to make an "optimized" site for you? Are you FRUSTRATED that you don't have multiple income sources?

Most webmasters have one primary goal, increasing targeted traffic to their sites inrepparttar 146638 hope that this traffic converts into sales.

A lot of frustrated marketers resort to cheap gimmicky software, that generate cookie cutter style web pages that are often considered SPAMMY.

Well, I say...Dump that Cheapy software, Fire Your SEO Guy and Tell your Content Writer to take a Hike.

There is a new kid onrepparttar 146639 Block and his name is Traffic TurboCharger. This masterpiece of equipment DOESN'T BREAK ANY (search engine) RULES like allrepparttar 146640 other wannabee software seen onrepparttar 146641 net.

This State ofrepparttar 146642 Art Software instantly builds you a content rich website in a matter of minutes while you watch TV.

It follows a few simple steps:

Step One: Selectrepparttar 146643 keywords on which you want your site to be based, or letrepparttar 146644 tool generate keywords based on actual phrases that search engine users have search for

Step Two: Enter your affiliate ID's forrepparttar 146645 programs that you want to earn money from on your site andrepparttar 146646 URLs forrepparttar 146647 RSS feeds related to your keywords

Step Three: Enter your website information, URL, title and description

Step Four: Enterrepparttar 146648 information for your Hover Ads and subscriber co-generation code and Google Adsense ID

Using Back Links to get Top Search Engine Ranking

Written by Richard Moore

Using Back Links to get

Top Search Engine Ranking

There are no hidden secrets on how to rank high withrepparttar major search engines. All that is needed is a basic understanding of how search engines work and a bit of know how. Perhapsrepparttar 146326 biggest contributing factor to a successful web site is incoming links or Back Links. Without links, your website will more than likely go unnoticed. So how should you accumulate these links? Below are a few basic methods to accumulate quality back links.

Before you get started

You MUST understand how search engines work. Over 90% of your business will likely come directly from search engine results. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to optimize your site for search engines. You could haverepparttar 146327 greatest deals inrepparttar 146328 entire world, but if no one knows about them then your efforts are wasted. Do a search on google for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You will find tons of great information on how to create a website that is both user friendly and search engine friendly. There are also countless numbers of companies and freelancers out there who offer SEO services. Just be cautious of their offers and do your research first. Remember, NO ONE can guarantee top placement in major search engines, no matter what they say.

Where should back links come from?

1. Articles are a fantastic source of links and additional traffic to your site. There are countless sites online that want your articles. It’s a win win situation for everyone. When you write articles and submit them online, you are able to leave a link to your own site and sometimes even anchor text. I know what you’re saying, “I can’t write about anything.” I use to feelrepparttar 146329 same way. Butrepparttar 146330 truth ofrepparttar 146331 matter is, anyone can write. You just have to find a topic that interests you. You can write about anything from dogs, to computers, to personal training, to web hosting, heck you can even write about writing. The bottom line is, articles are a valuable source of “relevant” back links to your site.

2. Submit to directories. There are literally hundreds of “free” and “paid” directories online. With 3 hours of painless work, you can have your site submitted to hundreds of great directories. There are many quality lists of directories that are regularly updated. One of my favorites is http://www.best-web-directories.com/ which is always updated and maintained.

3. Develop link exchanges with relevant sites. The major search engines such as google see incoming links from relevant sites, and give them more rank compared a link from an unrelated site. For example, if you have a website about pet care products, your link strategy should target pet related sites. Again with a bit of hard work and determination, you can develop a great deal of “relevant” back links.

4. Forums are a great source for additional traffic and links. Many forums allow their users to display signatures in their posts. These signatures can consist of both text and links. When you post a new message on that forum, your websites link will be displayed for everyone to see. This not only helps build valuable back links, but will bring additional traffic to your website.

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