Unique Beach Wedding Receptions

Written by Cindy English

The most unique beach wedding reception ideas are sparked by imagination not tradition. Never mind etiquette, tradition and timelines. That information is outdated and stuffy. Do what will make you and your guests happy. It is a time for fun and celebration, not pomp and ceremony!

Long gone arerepparttar days of "assigned" seating arrangements and cookie cutter reception programs. Everyone waiting to be told what to do next. Yawn! Today, you can "have it your way". No, I am not suggesting that "Burger King" host your reception. But, you could, IF you wanted to! That'srepparttar 135567 message.

To plan for your reception, you need first to know:

* What is your theme? * What time of day you will be having your wedding ceremony? * What type of atmosphere do you wish to create?

Answer those three questions and great beach wedding reception ideas will follow.

Perhaps you will marry in a romantic sunrise ceremony followed by a breakfast reception. How about an early afternoon wedding followed by a beach barbeque? Plan fun activities such as a sand castle building contest or a volleyball game. Marry at sunset. Followrepparttar 135568 ceremony with a wine and cheese reception and dancing.

The size of your guest list and your budget will also help to determine which path you take.

Buffet or food station receptions lend themselves very well to informal beach weddings and arerepparttar 135569 most fun. They are also cheaper! You can easily coordinate this type of reception yourself and eliminaterepparttar 135570 added expense of a caterer. Those special women in your family who love to cook would be honored to assist with this project I'll bet. Heck, knowing "Aunt Jo" and "Grandma", they will probably take over and you won't have to worry about a thing!

6 Useful Tips to Cut Wedding Costs

Written by Dulce Azogue

Weddings are very nice occasions people want to attend to. But they can be time consuming and demand enormous attention onrepparttar part ofrepparttar 135493 couple with lots of things to prepare for, in order for their wedding to be memorable. They can be very expensive, too. So how can you prepare for your wedding if you wan to save and are on a budget? Here are some tips.

1.Invitations. If you think that inviting people by giving them cards with fancy designs and made of expensive ink is still important to you, you may consider discarding that idea. You’re on a budget, right? Your main goal is to cut costs on things not that important to you. Besides,repparttar 135494 people you’re inviting might just throw them away after reading it or whenrepparttar 135495 wedding is over, so why bother? It could just waste your time and money. If you still insist on giving them invitations, then do it on a budget. You may go for DIY wedding cards instead. Or buy an inexpensive ink and cheap but lovely papers. You may also just send them an ecard, especially to people living out ofrepparttar 135496 country. Or better yet, if you’re not thinking about formality, just call them.

2.Guests. The number of guests shouldn’t be too large if you want to cut wedding costs. Invite only your closest friends and family members. You’ll save onrepparttar 135497 food, too.

3.Photographer. No matter whatrepparttar 135498 cost is, you’ll be able to find a professional wedding photographer. If you want your memories to last forever, then hire a professional who hasrepparttar 135499 equipment and knows his craft. It’s a more preferable choice to a mere hobbyist who just might make mistakes. Remember, you’re paying for a service and you don’t want to risk on it.

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