Unhook from the Perpetual Progress Grid

Written by Deirdre McEachern

I have been a member of a group calledrepparttar Women in Business Connection (WIBC for short) in Cambridge, MA for about four years. We get together for lunch meetings once a month. Last week at our December event several ofrepparttar 129389 women commented to me how much they liked my newsletter. It is always nice to hear complimentary feedback but one woman went even farther - she said it was like getting a "Zen moment" in her email. (Thanks Cibeline!)

Her comment got me thinking. That is exactly what I want to provide - Zen moments for my readers. I am in no way a Zen expert but I do hope that reading my monthly messages might offer you a moment to temporarily unhook from what I callrepparttar 129390 Perpetual Progress Grid of life. My wish is to share with you a moment of reflection, appreciation and calm.

So today, I will describe for you how I “unhook fromrepparttar 129391 grid” for brief moments of time and at random intervals. I believe it is this short but consistent "unhooking" that keeps me refreshed, creative and ultimately at peace. By sharing my techniques with you, I invite you to borrow, create or identify your own.

I "unhook" fromrepparttar 129392 pressures, desires, thrills, and obligations ofrepparttar 129393 Perpetual Progress Grid when:

-- I hear my dog pitter-patter uprepparttar 129394 stairs to join me in my office and I stop what I am doing for a few minutes, pat her belly and thank her for coming to visit me.


Written by Habeeb Adeokun

It’s a little known fact that Thomas Edison -repparttar inventor ofrepparttar 129388 electric light bulb - made 10,000 prototypes before he got it right! Atrepparttar 129389 time he said, "I haven’t failed, I’ve identified 10,000 ways that it doesn’t work."

Some people would have given up afterrepparttar 129390 first few tries and then convince themselves that it was impossible. But he kept at it till he got it right and eventually he tastedrepparttar 129391 sweet taste of success.

Rockerfeller – another man who’s life has met with significant success - would agree as he reveals,

“I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind asrepparttar 129392 quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.”

What it all boils down to is never giving up.

So what is perseverance?

If you’re looking for a dictionary definition – according to Websters - perseverance isrepparttar 129393 steady persistence in adhering to a course of action, a belief, or a purpose; steadfastness. As you can see fromrepparttar 129394 meaning you can’t perservere if you don’t have a goal or a belief. This is very hard work. It’s about believing in yourself, your ideas, your dreams and your goals. Often inrepparttar 129395 face of criticism and other's disbelief in who you are and in what you are capable of accomplishing.

Perseverance is a commitment, a dedication to yourself and havingrepparttar 129396 courage to follow through with your actions. It’s one ofrepparttar 129397 most essential characteristic that every successful entrepreneur must have in order to succeed in any ofrepparttar 129398 ventures they embark on.

Every entrepreneur will encounter hurdles or obstacles in their day to day dealings andrepparttar 129399 only way to overcome any obstacles is to keep on going until we overcome all obstacles and succeed. Acquiring a desired job or promotion, winning that contract or succeeding at business will present its difficulties.

But this is part ofrepparttar 129400 learning process.

Ultimately, people who refuse to give up become successful. They learn from their mistakes.

Too many people stop atrepparttar 129401 first sign of an obstacle or difficulty because of their fears or lack of confidence in their abilities to follow their ideas or dreams through.

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