Unexpected Wisdom

Written by Steve Kaye

If you have ever traveled across country by train, you know that meals are served with community seating. That means you can meet new people with every meal.

In late March I tookrepparttar train home (to Southern California) from an engagement in Massachusetts. One evening my meal companions consisted of a very nice couple and a teenager. At first,repparttar 139160 teenager had little to say. (Parents, does this sound familiar?) But through my questions he told us that he was 16, wanted to be an attorney, and could bench press 325 pounds.

Then I asked him, "What three recommendations would you give to someone in 8th grade about high school?" Without hesitation he gave an answer that all of us can use. Here are his recommendations, with my comments on how they apply to leaders:

1) Watch who you hang out with.

Certainly, your friends define who you are.

Leaders know this and thus build organizations that consist of people who reinforce productive work, discourage destructive behavior, and provide a variety of complementary skills.

A wise leader will direct a person's development by placingrepparttar 139161 person with colleagues who have beneficial characteristics. Similarly, this explains why some leaders work with a coach who provides a contrast to their preferred style.

You can also manage your personal growth by associating with people who have achieved what you aspire to have. For example, one entrepreneur left a mastermind group of millionaires to join a group of multimillionaires.

2) The next four years are very important.

Turnaround or Terminate? How to Deal with "Problem"

Written by Anne Alexander

Do you struggle with a "problem" employee? If so, joinrepparttar crowd! Many of my coaching clients - businesses owners or managers - tear their hair out over one or more toxic employees. In our business environment, we tend to recreaterepparttar 138964 dynamics ofrepparttar 138965 family we grew up, so no wonder problems develop.

It's amazing often a business owner or manager will endure a "problem" employee, unable to helprepparttar 138966 employee make positive changes and unable to fire them when necessary. Tolerating a problem employee is like walking around with a sliver in your foot - highly irritating, but you can kind of get used to it. Then, when you finally pull it out, you can't believerepparttar 138967 relief! That relief generally comes in one of two ways: either you and your employee are able to make some mutual improvements, or you part ways.

I recommend a two step approach to this issue. First, you do whatever can be done to turnrepparttar 138968 situation around. Very often, you may have made a few half-hearted attempts to resolverepparttar 138969 situation, but feel lost at sea about what else can be done. You must addressrepparttar 138970 issues directly, calmly and clearly withrepparttar 138971 employee. Expectations must be set, problems and solutions explored. Check in regularly withrepparttar 138972 employee to monitor progress.

On a more powerful level,repparttar 138973 turnaround can result when you learn your own and your employee's behavioral style. I like to userepparttar 138974 Platinum Rule assessment, developed by Dr. Tony Alessandra. It's inexpensive ($30 - $50), easy to understand and extremely powerful in helping us understand our own and others' behavior. Your style and this employee's style probably differ. (For more information onrepparttar 138975 Platinum rule, visit: http://www.authentic- alternatives.com/platinumrule.htm )

The Golden Rule advises you to treat others as you would like to be treated. The Platinum Rule advances this torepparttar 138976 next level and suggests that you treat others as you would like to be treated. Your "problem" employee may be - and probably is - a different style than you. The Platinum Rule shows us four core behavioral styles (Relater, Socializer, Thinker and Director) and gives us many concrete tactics of how we can flex to meetrepparttar 138977 other person's style. I have seen near miracles occur -repparttar 138978 proverbial light bulbs go off - when my clients use this assessment to better understand themselves and their employees and co-workers.

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