Understanding the Top Search Engines

Written by Diane M. Hess


To help you understand what it takes to achieve a high ranking onrepparttar top search engines it is important to make three distinctions: There are Crawler-Based, Human- Based, and Hybrid-Based search engines/indexes and directories. For example, AltaVista is a crawler based search engine, and Yahoo is a human based search engine directory.

Crawler-Based (CB) search engines automatically "crawlrepparttar 150317 web," visits web pages and then adds them to their indexes. If you make changes to your web pages,repparttar 150318 CB engines will eventually find these changes and update their data. Placing page titles, keywords, descriptions and other "hidden" elements in your WebPages, all play an important role to get good ranking.

Human-Based (HB) search engines such as Yahoo depend on people to createrepparttar 150319 listings. A (HB) engine will not list your web page if you do not register it with them. Submit a short description torepparttar 150320 directory for your entire site. The downside is that their editors will then visit your website and write a review as they see it.

Five Ways To Win The Favor Of Search Engines

Written by Sean Felker

You’ve got a cool new website with allrepparttar works: cool Flash presentations, eye-catching colors, informative text, easy-to-use layout, and an interesting topic. You think your site is amazing, and you know that others will agree with you. If only they know it exists.

How do you make your website known? How do you make yours stand out among millions of others? You can spend lots of money on advertisement, but that will not work if you don’t haverepparttar 150226 money to spare on advertising. So what do you do? Make search engines work for you, that’s what!

Google, Yahoo, MSN, Lycos, Altavista - you want to be atrepparttar 150227 top of their results list. The higher your site is in a search results page,repparttar 150228 better chances that it will be visited. The science behind making your site a popular search result is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Don’t worry, though - even if SEO is referred to as a science, it is not all that complicated. You just need to take note of a few things, and before you know it, your site will have more visitors than you could ever dream of.

Here are five tips to ensure that your site would be a favorite of search engines all aroundrepparttar 150229 cyber world.

1. Give importance to substance over appearance.

Do you want to share your knowledge on a subject that you have authority on? Do you want to sell products? Do you want to build an online shrine for your favorite actress? Whatever topic you have chosen for your website, make sure that you are able to give useful information on it.

Search engines work by scanning sites for keywords. They search text and completely ignore everything else. So if you have made your site rich in colors, don’t forget to make it rich in content as well.

After all, a beautiful layout can make people look, but relevant content is what will make them stay. Remember, in this day and age: content is king!

2. Know your topic well

If you know much about your topic, you will know what people usually ask about it. What they ask aboutrepparttar 150230 subject. This is what they will type inrepparttar 150231 search bar.

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