Understanding the Nature of the Beast!

Written by /"Wild Bill/" Montgomery

Though they "usually" are not beasts' understandingrepparttar human nature ofrepparttar 121689 Customer is an essential part of marketing your product. If you want to be successful in marketing, whether online or off, you have to know what people want and why people buy.

By following this simple rule, you can develop a whole new sales strategy and increase your sales. In some cases this can actually save you fromrepparttar 121690 deep dark pit ofrepparttar 121691 failed business. If you want to make it inrepparttar 121692 real business world you better know these 10 important keys ofrepparttar 121693 "Customer Nature".

1) Why are most of us here? That's right, we're here to make money onrepparttar 121694 internet. PEOPLE WANT TO MAKE MONEY! Does your product offer them a way to make their money back?

2) WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICE OR YOU MONEY BACK! How many time have you seen this? A million, two million? You know why? Because it works. People want to get or should I say "want to think that they're getting"repparttar 121695 lowest price onrepparttar 121696 market. One ofrepparttar 121697 best approaches to this isrepparttar 121698 "110%" Philosophy. Offer you customer a refund plus 10% if they find it cheaper. You will find (especially if it has to be shipped back, or if it's less than $50.00) that forrepparttar 121699 small amount you lose on returns, you make much more onrepparttar 121700 idea that you arerepparttar 121701 rock bottom price. Most often, afterrepparttar 121702 customer has bought your product they won't want to go torepparttar 121703 bother if they do find a lower price. If you use this approach keep pricing at it's lowest possible market level.

3) Vanity, I would say this is probablyrepparttar 121704 more common traits of a customer. THEY WANT TO LOOK GOOD! In business, at home, out onrepparttar 121705 town or inrepparttar 121706 mirror. If it make your customer look better in appearance or image, you have gained more selling points.

4) IT'S GOT TO BE THE LATEST! Oh yes,repparttar 121707 "Keeping up withrepparttar 121708 Jones'" Syndrome. Utilized and presented inrepparttar 121709 proper light, this can be a very powerful selling tool. More today than ever do you seerepparttar 121710 urban competition of havingrepparttar 121711 best inrepparttar 121712 neighborhood.

Who Do You Know?

Written by Alfred J. Lautenslager

We’ve all heard that networking should be an integral part of our total marketing plan but what is networking? And is itrepparttar same for off-line marketing as it is for on-line marketing? The answer to both questions is yes. Many Internet marketers venture off into classified ads, opt-in mailing lists, and postings of all sorts. Many timesrepparttar 121688 traditional networking ways of off-line marketing are forgotten. So, what is networking inrepparttar 121689 traditional marketing sense, (NOT networking marketing or MLM programs)?

Simply stated, networking is contact to establish relationships that can lead to business. Sometimesrepparttar 121690 path to business is direct; other times it is indirect such as referrals. The person you know knows someone else who needs your products/services.

Networking means making these contacts and building on them by talking with people about what you do and who you are. It also is in turn, listening to them to see how you might assist them in what they do.

These contacts,repparttar 121691 people you need to know orrepparttar 121692 people that can help you, might be right under your nose. To help build that list, answerrepparttar 121693 following:

1. Who has taken an interest in you lately or inrepparttar 121694 past? 2. Who have you been good friends with? 3. Who do you always talk business with when you get together? 4. Who has helped you or offered encouragement or advice in your business. 5. Who do you go to when you have a challenge or particular need? 6. Who comes to you for help? 7. Who do you idolize?

This list could go on and on butrepparttar 121695 general notion is we are already networking, networking is all around us andrepparttar 121696 people to build our network with are with us everyday.

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