Understanding operations management consulting

Written by Jakob Jelling

Although much attention lately has been given to accounting practices and IT consulting, operations management has always been one ofrepparttar most important efficiency issues of any company. Ensuring your communication, transportation, and production all work at maximum efficiency and with good integration can have a massive impact on your bottom line.

Today, it’s not just about looking at your employees and your management; it’s also about using GPS technology to maximize transportation efficiency; about leveraging information about production and ordering to maximize use of just-in-time business practices; about using IT to make assembly-line practices as efficient as possible. Operations management consultants need to be expert in people motivation and inrepparttar 142709 use of IT to getrepparttar 142710 most out of your production and delivery lines.

Finding operations management consultants

Before seeking out an operations management consultant, you should examine your own processes and determine what your real needs are. Do you need to streamline your transportation and delivery system? Or are your problems more with a bottleneck in production? Once you’ve identified your real problems, one ofrepparttar 142711 best ways to find an operations management consultant who specialized in that area is to read industry magazines. Often you’ll find that experts write some ofrepparttar 142712 best articles in trade journals, and that they are available for consulting jobs. Another great way to find management consultants is by asking friends and associates about consultants they may have hired inrepparttar 142713 past.

Training for corporate governance

Written by Jakob Jelling

There are many different venues for corporate governance training, ranging from conferences that offer CEU courses to universities that offer degrees related to it. When looking for good corporate governance training, you should keep several things in mind.

First, you should ensure you know what your goals are. Unlike a liberal arts degree, there’s really no reason to take classes you’re not going to use inrepparttar course of your business. If you need to learn about Sarbanes-Oxley, you should focus on training there. If your company is getting ready to open a new division in Europe, then you need corporate governance training onrepparttar 142708 specific issues you’re going to run into there.

Don’t just look at training outside your company. It may actually be cheaper and more efficient if you hire a consultant to come in and help train your executives one on one. This is especially true if you are focusing on a particular project, such as bringing your systems in line withrepparttar 142709 Sarbanes-Oxley act.

If you do choose to go outside for training, look carefully atrepparttar 142710 vendors that are available. Do you needrepparttar 142711 intensive training in a multiple-day workshop, or do you just needrepparttar 142712 basics that can be provided in a short training session? Do you have multiple needs that can best be addressed at a conference? There are also very good resources available inrepparttar 142713 form of online training and computer-based training.

What to look for in corporate governance training

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