Understanding Your Breasts: A Health Guide for All Women

Written by Larry Denton

A woman's breast is a gland that produces milk in late pregnancy and after childbirth. Each breast is made of lobes which are groups of milk glands called lobules. Lobules are arranged around thin tubes called ducts which carryrepparttar milk torepparttar 136365 nipple. These lobules and ducts make up what is referred to asrepparttar 136366 glandular tissue.

Breasts also contain lymph vessels which carry a clear fluid called lymph. The lymph vessels lead to small, round organs called lymph nodes. Group of lymph nodes are found nearrepparttar 136367 breast inrepparttar 136368 underarm, aboverepparttar 136369 collarbone, inrepparttar 136370 chest behindrepparttar 136371 breastbone, and in many other parts ofrepparttar 136372 body. The lymph nodes trap bacteria, cancer cells, or other harmful substances that may be inrepparttar 136373 lymphatic system. Their job is to make sure harmful substances are safely and quickly removed fromrepparttar 136374 body.

As with any gland or organ withrepparttar 136375 human body, some imperfections are likely to occur. Perhaps you feel that your breasts are too small or too large. Maybe you have questions about breast feeding or breast cancer.

You might notice different kinds of breast changes at different times of your life. Breast changes occur in almost all women, and most of these changes are NOT cancer. Many ofrepparttar 136376 changes are caused by your hormone levels and are a normal part ofrepparttar 136377 aging process. Younger women may have more glandular (more dense, less fatty) breast tissue than older women who have stopped having their period (menopause). This kind of tissue is where breast changes usually occur.

Most women have swelling, tenderness, and pain in their breasts before and sometimes during their periods. You may also feel one or more lumps during this time because ofrepparttar 136378 extra fluid that has collected in your breasts. The lumpiness and pain usually go away byrepparttar 136379 end of your period.

During pregnancy, your breasts may feel lumpy, sincerepparttar 136380 glands which produce milk increase in number and get larger. While breast feeding, you may get an infection called mastitis which happens when a milk duct becomes blocked. Mastitis causesrepparttar 136381 breast to look red and feel lumpy, warm and tender. Mastitis is often treated with antibiotics, but sometimesrepparttar 136382 duct may need to be drained.

Understanding Your Breasts: Making an Informed Decision About Breast Implants

Written by Larry Denton

A woman's breast is a gland that produces milk in late pregnancy and after childbirth. Each breast is made of lobes which are groups of milk glands called lobules. Lobules are arranged around thin tubes called ducts which carryrepparttar milk torepparttar 136364 nipple. These lobules and ducts make up what is referred to asrepparttar 136365 glandular tissue.

As with any gland or organ withinrepparttar 136366 human body, some imperfections are likely to occur. Perhaps you feel that your breasts are too small, poorly shaped, or maybe you have lost a breast to a disease like cancer.

Despite a decade of controversy over their safety, breast implants are more popular than ever among women who want to build upon what nature gave them or who want to restore what disease has taken away. Whateverrepparttar 136367 reason, opting for breast implants is a personal decision that should be made only after a woman fully understands and acceptsrepparttar 136368 potential risks ofrepparttar 136369 devices andrepparttar 136370 importance of follow-up evaluations with her physician.

According torepparttar 136371 American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), there were nearly 255,000 breast enhancement implant procedures performed in 2003, nearly twicerepparttar 136372 number done in 1998. An additional 68,000 women received breast implants for reconstructive purposes following mastectomy due to cancer or other disease.

Breast implants are designed for augmentation, a cosmetic procedure; reconstruction; and replacement of existing implants, called revision. There are two primary types of implants: saline-filled and silicone gel-filled. Depending onrepparttar 136373 type of implant,repparttar 136374 shell is either pre-filled with a fixed volume of solution or filled through a valve duringrepparttar 136375 surgery torepparttar 136376 desired size. Breast implants vary in shape, size and shell texture.

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