Understanding Weight Loss

Written by Ken Shorey

A pound of fat represents approximately 3500 calories of stored energy. In order to lose a pound of fat, you have to use 3500 more calories than you consume. Although this seems like a simple formula remember that your body is a thinking organism designed to protect itself.

If you were to try to reduce your intake byrepparttar entire 3500 calories in one day, your body would register some type of alarm and think that there is a state of emergency. Immediately your metabolism would slow down and no weight loss would be achieved.

It's better to spread your weight loss out over a period of a week, so that you aim to reduce your caloric intake by 3500 to 7000 calories per week, resulting in weight loss of one to two pounds per week. It's generally not recommended to try to lose more than two pounds in a week. Attempting to do so may cause health risks, and on top of this you're unlikely to be successful.

Inrepparttar 142676 example of attempting to lose two pounds per week, you can use a basic method of calorie counting to help you accomplish your goal. To do so, you need to figure out how many calories a person of your age, sex, and weight usually needs in a day, subtract 500 from that amount, and follow a diet that provides you with that many calories.

Weight Training For Weight Loss

Written by Ken Shorey

Weight training combines building muscle tone and workingrepparttar cardiovascular system. Weight training tones your muscles and raises your metabolism, which helps your body burn more calories not only when exercising, but also while you sleep.

Weight training reversesrepparttar 142675 natural decline in your metabolism, which begins around age 30 therefore this is something to think about for all those who have reached that age.

Working with weights can produce a great deal of energy, and a full workout works almost all ofrepparttar 142676 650 muscles in your body. Looking toward long-term benefits, weight training strengthens bones, which can reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis. This of course is of very big concern amongst women, since osteoporosis afflicts women much more than men.

Many women worry that weight training will make them muscular and bulky like a man but you must keep in mind that men and women have different muscular structures, therefore weight training will not develop big muscles on women, just toned muscles.

Not only is weight training a routine that makes you strong, it is a routine that trainsrepparttar 142677 body to build muscle instead of fat, takes stress off key areas ofrepparttar 142678 body such asrepparttar 142679 lower back, making you less prone to injury in that area.

Since high blood pressure or hypertension is a big concern with those who are obese, it is welcome news that weight training decreases your resting blood pressure.Weight training has also been proven to increase your blood level of HDL cholesterol, which is commonly referred to as "good cholesterol. Overall health is definitely improved through weight training.

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