Understanding Key E-Business Terms

Written by David Bell

Whether you're operating your own online business, wanting to start one, running affiliate programs, or wanting to advertise in e-zines - or sell advertising in your own e-zine or on your web site, it's important to know and understandrepparttar relevant terms used in e-business today. Hits: You see this term everywhere, and often, it is misunderstood and misused. Each hit to a web site doesn't necessarily represent one visitor. Generally, hits refer to not onlyrepparttar 108816 web page itself, but all files requested, including all graphics. Therefore, if a page has 25 graphics, each visitor to that page represents 26 hits - one hit forrepparttar 108817 page and 25 forrepparttar 108818 graphics. As you can see, hits can be very misleading when representing web site traffic. Page View - Also known as Impressions: Asrepparttar 108819 term indicates, this refers torepparttar 108820 number of times each page on your site is viewed by a visitor. If your site has 20 pages, and a visitor goes to all pages, that visitor generated 20 page views. Keep in mind, every time that same visitor returns to your site, they will again generate more page views, regardless ofrepparttar 108821 time between visits. Please note that some affiliate programs userepparttar 108822 term page views or impressions synonymously with unique visitors. Unique Visitors: This, by far, isrepparttar 108823 best and most reliable measure of traffic. A unique visitor is one visitor to a web site, regardless of how many pages he or she visits or how many pages or files/graphicsrepparttar 108824 site contains. Unique visitors are counted only once for a specific period of time - depending upon howrepparttar 108825 site statistics are configured. Generally, a visitor is only counted once in a thirty day period, no matter how many times they may have returned during that time. Keep in mind, this time period varies wildly inrepparttar 108826 industry, so when talking about unique visitors, make sure you know how long it takes for a visitor to be counted again.

Search Engine Cloaking

Written by James O'Keefe


As soon as you mentionrepparttar idea of page cloaking you can be sure that someone somewhere is going to jump torepparttar 108815 conclusion that you intend to cheatrepparttar 108816 search engines. There is no denyingrepparttar 108817 fact that search engine spammers have used page cloaking inrepparttar 108818 past, and thatrepparttar 108819 reputation of cloaking has been damaged as a result. The fact remains however that there are still many legitimate reasons for wanting to dabble in various forms of page cloaking, so don't be too quick to judge!

What is Page Cloaking

Page cloaking isrepparttar 108820 practice of altering contents of a page depending onrepparttar 108821 software, method and/or IP address being used to access it. Cloaking has been made possible throughrepparttar 108822 use of server side technologies such as ASP and PHP (amongst others), and has been abused so much inrepparttar 108823 past that it will probably never shake off it's bad reputation.

Cloaking is used in all manor of situations, some of them you won't even be aware of until it is pointed out to you. I'll admit to using it on my own site, and I'm not ashamed ofrepparttar 108824 fact either!

Cloaking Methods

There are several different ways of implementing cloaking; each is based onrepparttar 108825 environment variables that are passed torepparttar 108826 server as part ofrepparttar 108827 actual request.

What browser/program is makingrepparttar 108828 request? (HTTP_USER-AGENT)

What IP address are they trying to connect from? (REMOTE_HOST)

What page (if any) did they come from? (HTTP_REFERER)

Did they recently request a page? Have they already set preferences? (Session data)

Whilerepparttar 108829 environment variables available to us can be used independently to make generalizations and educated guesses, they become powerful customization tools when combined.

By identifyingrepparttar 108830 program used to makerepparttar 108831 request, we get an idea of howrepparttar 108832 data will be used andrepparttar 108833 capabilities ofrepparttar 108834 browser. Suddenly we can use specialized page designs without having to use or redirect users to different URLs depending on what they could handle. It can also prove an effective way to reduce needless data transfer costs; by sending onlyrepparttar 108835 coderepparttar 108836 browser or bot will understand.

When we want to target groups of users based on their geographical location or connection speed, we can use IP addresses to make an educated guess. Different ISPs will own different IP blocks; these ISPs may operate in a specific region or offer only broadband services. While gathering and maintaining current IP data can be a chore, it is probablyrepparttar 108837 best way to get information onrepparttar 108838 location ofrepparttar 108839 user without specifically asking them.

The use of referral or session data is probablyrepparttar 108840 most interesting area of cloaking however, as this is where we can learn more aboutrepparttar 108841 person makingrepparttar 108842 request. With a little research, you can match visitor types byrepparttar 108843 sites they come from and tailorrepparttar 108844 site to their needs. Referral and session data can tell us a lot aboutrepparttar 108845 visitor without actually needing to identify them;repparttar 108846 possibilities are limited only byrepparttar 108847 imagination!

Why use Cloaking?

There are many different reasons why people want to use page cloaking, and while some of these can be devious in nature, others are designed to be helpful or to standardizerepparttar 108848 user experience. Some reasons for using page cloaking include: -

To serve known search engine bots with content optimized for best results.

To hiderepparttar 108849 real keywords and text used for rankings from normal visitors.

To alterrepparttar 108850 identity ofrepparttar 108851 site depending on who accessed it.

To protectrepparttar 108852 server and it's contents from malicious bots or misuse. To re-brand shared content depending onrepparttar 108853 domain name used to access it. To limitrepparttar 108854 options available depending on browser features or capabilities.

To iron out browser inconsistencies.

To serve relevant information torepparttar 108855 user based on Operating System and/or browser.

To create a more personalised experience forrepparttar 108856 visitor.

You see page cloaking is perhaps more common than you first think, and when you look atrepparttar 108857 whole picture it doesn't seem as bad as some people make it out to be. It's not so much whether or not you use it, but rather how you use it.

I use ASP and dynamically editrepparttar 108858 page to showrepparttar 108859 style sheet optimized forrepparttar 108860 browser. Even though my server changes just one line from one browser torepparttar 108861 next, it is technically page cloaking;repparttar 108862 style sheet it serves torepparttar 108863 visitor using Opera is notrepparttar 108864 same style sheet it sends torepparttar 108865 visitor using Internet Explorer. Ironically, if I chose to use a script onrepparttar 108866 client side to dorepparttar 108867 same thing, it would not be considered to be page cloaking!

So why does it matter whererepparttar 108868 script is executed if they both dorepparttar 108869 same thing?

It's all because we can look atrepparttar 108870 source code ofrepparttar 108871 script when it is onrepparttar 108872 client side; thus we can seerepparttar 108873 alternatives that are available simply by looking atrepparttar 108874 wayrepparttar 108875 script works. Onrepparttar 108876 server side however, allrepparttar 108877 logic is hidden away in some script or server module and we only seerepparttar 108878 results ofrepparttar 108879 server's decision; not how it came torepparttar 108880 conclusion on how it should respond torepparttar 108881 request.

The Dark side of Cloaking

The use of cloaking is controversial because ofrepparttar 108882 way it has been abused inrepparttar 108883 past. Some search engine optimisers use it in their promotional campaigns to serve pages optimised for each ofrepparttar 108884 search engines. While this may seem unfair to other site owners fighting for rankings withrepparttar 108885 same keywords, some ofrepparttar 108886 arguments for doing so are certainly feasible.

Why increaserepparttar 108887 visitors download time by including Meta tags they don't normally see?

Why send images torepparttar 108888 search engines when all they really look at isrepparttar 108889 text? Why should they share keyword lists they spendrepparttar 108890 time researching?

Allrepparttar 108891 reasons above may seem rather selfish, but just because a Webmaster wants to minimize their data transfer costs and protectrepparttar 108892 investment of their time and effort does not make them an unethical person. Only whenrepparttar 108893 topic ofrepparttar 108894 alternative pages strays fromrepparttar 108895 pagerepparttar 108896 visitor sees canrepparttar 108897 practice of optimizing forrepparttar 108898 search engines in this way be deemed to be unethical. There is a fine line between optimizing a page forrepparttar 108899 search engines and misleading them altogether!

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