Understanding Document Management

Written by Cavyl Stewart

The term "document management" and "paperless office" is repparttar subject of countless articles and books. Everyone wants to achieve this lofty goal but not everyone understands what repparttar 103577 terms really mean. Before you can embark onrepparttar 103578 journey of achieving total document management, it's important that you have a good basic knowledge ofrepparttar 103579 terms and concepts that go with it.

Once you start investigatingrepparttar 103580 various software solutions that are available you're going to run into some document management abbreviations, acronyms, and general terms that you might not be familiar with. Here is a "cheat sheet" that will help you to understandrepparttar 103581 material that you'll encounter as well asrepparttar 103582 conversations that you'll be having with document management solution providers.

Electronic Document Capture (EDC)

This isrepparttar 103583 generic term that refers torepparttar 103584 entire process of converting paper documents into their electronic equivalents. It covers concepts such as scanning, text recognition, image conversion and indexing for later retrieval. In other words, it is a catchall phrase forrepparttar 103585 entire document management process.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

OCR is a process that recognizesrepparttar 103586 printed words that are present on a physical document. OCR is generally used when processing documents that are printed in "normal" printer or typewriter fonts.

Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR)

This process is similar to OCR but is generally capable of also processing certain handwritten documents on special forms. It can also recognize and process "tick marks" and bar codes.

Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

Sometimes referred to as Document Management (DM) or Document Management System (DMS), this term encompasses not justrepparttar 103587 electronic conversion of paper documents, butrepparttar 103588 management of electronically created documents including word processing and email. EDMS systems are used to locate and display documents as well as to maintain different versions ofrepparttar 103589 source document.

Residual Income

Written by Thomas Chan

Incomes come from different way. Some source of income belongs torepparttar single inferior income, but some source of income belongs torepparttar 103576 long-enduring income. You so long as asked under oneself this question, may know your source of income belongs torepparttar 103577 single inferior income, or long-enduring income. "How many time income you can earn for one hour working? " If your answer is: "One time", then your source of income belongs torepparttar 103578 single inferior income. The income produces which byrepparttar 103579 work salary belongs torepparttar 103580 single inferior income. You pay diligently only can receive a time of paying, but if you have not arrived or carry onrepparttar 103581 work, cannot receiverepparttar 103582 salary. Long-enduring income

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