Understand What Flows Through Your Business to Find Improvement

Written by Chuck Yorke

I remember once seeing a cartoon which showed two people working a counter. Onrepparttar wall behind them was a sign which read, “Quality Work, Low Price, Fast Service – Pick Two.” In order to deliver all three, which is what customers expect, it’s important to understandrepparttar 102934 flows of your organization.

The first flow is, of course, cash flow. This comes in two varieties, money coming intorepparttar 102935 organization, revenue, and money going out, expenses. Understanding cash flow is not as easy as it appears. Throughput accounting and Lean accounting are two methods some companies are using to try and get a better understanding of how cash flows through a business.

The second flow isrepparttar 102936 product or service flow. This starts with howrepparttar 102937 product or service is designed. The next step is howrepparttar 102938 product is built orrepparttar 102939 service delivered. How isrepparttar 102940 product or service used? Finally, what happens whenrepparttar 102941 customer is done isrepparttar 102942 product discarded, recycled, or consumed.

How does information flow throughrepparttar 102943 organization? How does it come intorepparttar 102944 company and how does it leave? How is it used inrepparttar 102945 organization, does it followrepparttar 102946 work or pullrepparttar 102947 work forward? What types of feedback is received?

How does material flow inrepparttar 102948 company? If a product is built, how arerepparttar 102949 raw materials or parts brought torepparttar 102950 point of assembly. For a service, how dorepparttar 102951 necessary information, materials, and people get to where they are needed? How doesrepparttar 102952 movement ofrepparttar 102953 workers flow? Isrepparttar 102954 motion smooth or does it start and stop like rush hour traffic? Are there any wasted motions, like retrieving a paper file from a cabinet in another room or walking over to get a tool which is required for product assembly? Why isrepparttar 102955 tool atrepparttar 102956 point where it is needed? Why isrepparttar 102957 file located in a cabinet in another area?

Promote yourself more successfully

Written by Mel Dunn

Promote yourself more successfully meldunn.com.au

One ofrepparttar great challenges for independent professionals and small businesses, especially when starting out, is generating visibility to ultimately lead to generating sales.

One ofrepparttar 102933 specific challenges, I have found, is knowing what to say about yourself and your operations and services when asked “so what do you do?”

•Have you ever stumbled over your words when asked what you do?

•Have you ever receivedrepparttar 102934 response, “Oh, I see”, followed by silence?

•Do you ever feel as though you do not know what to say about yourself?

I am reminded ofrepparttar 102935 ‘elevator speech theory’ (I do not know to whom to attribute its invention), which simply poses “if you were in a lift that opens onrepparttar 102936 tenth floor and in walks Bill Gates who asks what you do – what would you say, and you have only untilrepparttar 102937 elevator gets torepparttar 102938 bottom?”

I have personally struggled with this at times, and equally have found that when I get it right, results flow – which initially could be as simple yet important of getting more time to converse withrepparttar 102939 person askingrepparttar 102940 question of you.

A great resource I have used to achieve greater results, isrepparttar 102941 Marketing Plan Workbook from Action Plan Marketing, authored by Robert Middleton.

This FREE workbook, available HERE, details a range of excellent strategies to market yourself, including how to deal withrepparttar 102942 elevator speech concept.

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