Written by Lalith

Article Resource www.himalayanaffairs.org

The increasing military assistance by US for Pakistan is raising concerns for India and other South Asian countries. Pakistanrepparttar joint ally of US inrepparttar 128732 “war against terror” is reaping benefits inrepparttar 128733 form of military assistance.

According to official reports US has massive plans of military supplies worth more than $1.5 billion to Pakistan inrepparttar 128734 next five years. As quoted

Don't Forget That Manual!

Written by V. Berba Velasco Jr., Ph.D.

No user manual? Surely you jest!

It may seem comical, but it's a surprisingly common situation. I've encountered many companies that don't provide any user manuals with their products. If they do, their manuals are often horribly incoherent, or else years out of date. It shouldn't happen, but it happens allrepparttar time.

Now, this problem is less common when buying off-the-shelf software or consumer electronics. That's because these products typically come from large corporations that pay attention to such details. Among smaller engineering firms though, this is a frequent occurrence. In fact, I'd estimate that about half ofrepparttar 128730 small engineering companies that I've encountered are guilty of this offense.

I remember how one engineer told me why his company didn't provide any user manuals with their products. In hushed tones, he said, "It's because we don't make any money by writing manuals. It's not a money-making venture, so our management doesn't want to waste time on this." An annoyed expression crept into his face, then he leaned closer and said, "We have lost so many customers because we don't have decent documentation. Talk about being penny-wise, pound-foolish!"

It's not justrepparttar 128731 customers who suffer when manuals are inadequate or non-existent. What aboutrepparttar 128732 employees themselves? What happens when a new engineer comes on board, and has to learn quickly? Or what happens when existing engineers need to familiarize themselves more with unfamiliar aspects of their product lines? The user documentation, if properly written, can provide a gentle and efficient way of bringingrepparttar 128733 up to speed. Without it, they will be forced to rely more heavily on other engineers to educate them, thus wastingrepparttar 128734 time of everyone concerned. Weeks, if not months, of valuable manpower can be squandered in this fashion.

At times, a company will pay lip service to user documentation by slapping together some hastily written document that is difficult for a new user to digest. "Who cares about wording anyway?" I've heard many engineers say. "We're not writing poetry or screenplays here. What matters is thatrepparttar 128735 manual must be technically accurate."

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