Copyright 2005 Judy ThompsonIf you are already involved in, or are contemplating a business using network marketing or multi-level marketing (MLM) as your marketing strategy, better you understand it, wiser and more successful you will be. Network marketing companies select a certain type of compensation plan for different reasons. In this article I want to give an overview of “matrix.” What distinguishes matrix compensation plan from other plans? It is a limited width plan. The width generally ranges from 2 to 5 people on distributor’s first level. As more people enroll, they go under those first level people. If, for example, there were 3 first-level people, there could be 9 people on second level, and 27 people on third level, etc. Thus, an organization could conceivably grow into hundreds, or even thousands of people. The company promoting products or services will determine how many levels deep they will pay. The company will pay you a certain percentage of product purchases for each person in your downline. If you have a downline of only a few people, your bonus check will not be very big. If you grow into hundreds or thousands of people under you, then you will be paid a lot more. A matrix plan allows for “spillover.” Spillover occurs when someone not enrolled by you is placed in your downline, and thus, has “spilled over.” This can be a neat, exciting thing to happen to a new distributor. It should never be counted on as primary means to build a downline. In fact, probably majority of people in a matix plan will never receive “spillover” from their upline. To be a beneficiary of “spillover” you have to be in right place, under an upline member who is doing quite a bit of recruiting. However, it can be a very helpful thing to someone who is serious about building an organization.
| | Experience the Benefits of an Internet BusinessWritten by Benjamin Scott
Copyright 2005 Benjamin ScottThe Internet industry is booming and offers opportunities galore for internet businesses. Internet businesses are not just for computer whizzes anymore, not just for people with multiple college degrees or a rich background in business. Internet businesses are a viable economic solution to anyone owning a computer and willing to research their options. There are many benefits to owning an Internet business, and list below contains only very few to scratch surface. The first benefit to owning this sort of business is freedom you have to enjoy rest of your life. You will be able to call shots and name your own hours because you are boss. You are one in charge, and you make rules. You can decide what hours are most productive for you, and which hours to reserve for your family or your friends. This incentive is particularly attractive to people with young families. Why should you miss out on baseball games, piano recitals, and first steps to make someone else money and be little appreciated for it? Wouldn't you rather put in a hard day's work during hours you choose and then be able to show up for obligations you consider more important? The next benefit of industry is unlimited financial opportunity. Owning an Internet business is working in a business with no salary cap. In this industry, you choose how much you work, how far your market, what your bottom line dollar amount will be. You can decide how much money you need to live comfortably, and you can evaluate how hard you should work to achieve that amount. This success can be yours and will be once you enter industry and start your own business.