Types Of Shrub To Use In Your GardenWritten by Paul Curran
Among bewildering lists of shrubs, certain names stand out as new and unusual, or, on other hand, tried and familiar. These include both evergreen and deciduous types. Rhododendron and azaleas (a type of rhododendron) head list of evergreens with some 700 species. Hardy and long-lived, these ornamental woody plants have flowers of all shapes, colors and tints. Well-liked are pink pearl, and Rhododendron maximum, with its large pinkish flowers. Hardy hybrid species also are Boule de neige (white) ; Abraham Lincoln and Lady Armstrong (pink) ; Everestianum (purple) ; and Caractacus (red). Rhododendrons won't grow in limey soil, and humus should be supplied liberally to protect them from winter-burn. Azaleas thrive under same conditions as rhododendrons—that is, in partial shade—and like rhododendrons in general may be used for foundation planting; they do well in thin woodlands. The Azalea malus has flowers in pastel shades of orange, yellow and tan. Boxwood has been a well-loved shrub for generations, especially where winters are not so severe. This evergreen can be pruned to formal rounded shapes. Left to grow, it sometimes attains 20 feet. It is used as a shrub for paths and walks.
| | More Types Of Shrub To Use In Your GardenWritten by Paul Curran
Buddleia, butterfly bush, is 16 feet or more if not killed back by winter, and gets its name from fact that in summer, butterflies are always seen around it. The buddleia takes many forms: as a small - leaved shrub with small purple flowers; as fascinating, a cattleya-pink bush; as flaming violet, a brilliant purple, and as white profusion, a dwarf variety with pure white flowers. Also Empire blue shrub, dubonnet, red glory and white cloud. Flowering quince (Cydonia) has roselike flowers and a scarlet bloom in spring. Japanese quince grows to 6 feet; has orange-scarlet flowers. Deutzia is an easily grown shrub, pleasing for many small flowers in spring. Types include 2- to 3-foot pink deutzia, with its delicate flowers; pride of Rochester, with large double white flowers, and Deutzia Lemoinei, which has large, pure white flowers. Other shrubs are dwarf buckeye, which blossoms in July with 12-inch spikes; chokeberry bush, liked for its decorative fruit; broom, which grows in sandy places and blooms in June and July, and witch hazel, a shrub that grows to 20 feet and has spidery yellow flowers. Forsythia is a welcome shrub because it needs little care; with its drooping sprays of yellow flowers, it is useful for softening lines of walls.