Types Of Roses To Use For Landscaping Your Home

Written by Paul Curran

If you enjoy roses, you can use them functionally as well as decoratively around your grounds — as creepers, shrubs, vines, climbers, hedges or just as beds of pure color. Rose originators are enthusiastic and tireless, and every year new favorites appear. Most recentlyrepparttar headliners wererepparttar 113353 bright floribunda rose, Jiminy Cricket;repparttar 113354 soft, pure-pink hybrid tea rose, Queen Elizabeth;repparttar 113355 bright" yellow peace rose. There are over 5,000 varieties of roses inrepparttar 113356 United States, and once you start growing your own you are apt to change your preferences from season to season.

In selecting roses, it is important to get healthy plants. Stems should be green and un-shriveled, roots moist and partly fibrous. The most expensive rose is not alwaysrepparttar 113357 best rose; it may be only a newcomer, much discussed and, therefore, a favorite.

In general, there are two types of roses: bush roses (similar to shrubs) and climbers (producing canes that require some sort of support). Inrepparttar 113358 bush classification,repparttar 113359 predominant type isrepparttar 113360 hybrid tea; it accounts for over 60% of all roses grown in America.

How To Use Vines In Landscaping Your Home

Written by Paul Curran

Vines can berepparttar quick salvation ofrepparttar 113352 new home owner. Fast-paced annuals will twine up a hastily erected pergola almost before summer starts, providing a cool, fragrant and beautiful awning. Annuals and perennials (or hardy vines, as perennials are called) are an inexpensive way of softeningrepparttar 113353 lines of new buildings, linking them torepparttar 113354 landscape.

Decorative and functional, vines are oftenrepparttar 113355 answer for older homes as well,repparttar 113356 ground-covering varieties serving as cover for foundations and banks, others spreading a carpet of flowering greenery over walls, making fences seem friendlier and stone buildings less harsh.

The methods by which vines climb will necessarily influence and determine your selection. Some vines, such as grape vine, have tendrils which reach out and grasp small objects to hold on to; these vines need a lattice or fence. Others, such as Boston ivy, have adhesive discs that fasten on to a brick or stone wall, and still others, such asrepparttar 113357 climbing hydrangea, hold to a masonry wall with small, aerial rootlets.

Finally, there are those that climb by twining around other branches or poles, climbing from left to right, or right to left (like honeysuckle). This type can be parasitic inrepparttar 113358 worst sense, climbing over small bushes and trees and completely strangling them.

No vine should be unsupported, however, and attractive vines are those which are carefully trained and held up. Supports such as arbors, trellises and per golas need not be elaborately constructed, since their function is to displayrepparttar 113359 vine, not themselves. Wood or other material that does not require painting is ideal, forrepparttar 113360 natural woods are really more suitable as a background for vines than arerepparttar 113361 painted ones.

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