Two Types of Executive Summaries

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Companies seeking capital often ask how longrepparttar Executive Summary of their business plan should be. The answer depends uponrepparttar 103295 use ofrepparttar 103296 summary, mainly determining if 1) it precedesrepparttar 103297 full business plan, or 2) it will be used as a stand-alone document.

Whenrepparttar 103298 Executive Summary precedesrepparttar 103299 business plan, its length should be short, typically only one to two pages and certainly no longer than three pages. This is becauserepparttar 103300 Executive Summary is not meant to tellrepparttar 103301 whole story ofrepparttar 103302 business opportunity. Rather,repparttar 103303 summary must simply stimulate and motivaterepparttar 103304 investor to learn more aboutrepparttar 103305 company inrepparttar 103306 body ofrepparttar 103307 plan.

The second type of Executive Summary is a stand-alone document. That is, it is given, by itself, to investors for their initial review. If interested,repparttar 103308 investor will then requestrepparttar 103309 full business plan. A stand-alone Executive Summary is often used to limitrepparttar 103310 flow of information. That is, if an investor is not interested inrepparttar 103311 general opportunity that your summary presents, you don’t want to reveal to them intimate details of your plan.

Regardless of which type of Executive Summary you are developing,repparttar 103312 summary must includedrepparttar 103313 following critical elements: •A concise explanation ofrepparttar 103314 business •A description ofrepparttar 103315 market size and market need forrepparttar 103316 business •A discussion of howrepparttar 103317 company is uniquely qualified to fulfill this need

5 Simple Steps To Internet Business Success...

Written by By Munya Chinongoza

Many people dream of owning a successful internet business, however very few people ever succeed.

Why is that? My answer is simply, many people get intorepparttar internet business, without any planning at all. They just jump into it and hope that after placing a few free ads here and there they will eventually start earning that most coverted six figure monthly or even better yearly income.

For example, let's say you decided to drive from New York to Los Angelos forrepparttar 103294 first time ever, without a road map.

How many times do you think, you will get lost?

How many times do you think, you will become frustuated?

Definetely more times, than if you had a map to guide you to takerepparttar 103295 right routes, at exactelyrepparttar 103296 right time.

That is exactely why it is very important, you set a simple plan to follow inorder for you to achieverepparttar 103297 success you dream of with your own internet business.

Here's a simple 5 step plan, I set for myself...

1) Build your list -------------------

No matter what you sell, you should always build your own opt in list, right fromrepparttar 103298 get go, this is your most

- Give away something free (report ebook etc) - Promote an affiliate program through your own page for example my webiste

2) Have your own product to sell --------------------------------

With your own product, you can develop your own affiliate program and be able to recruit your own team of affiliates.

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