Two Skin Inflammation Conditions that You Want to Avoid

Written by Dean Brown

If you develop cellulitis or erysipelas, you are going to need oral or intravenous antibiotics. No one wants these ugly conditions, so it is best to do anything to avoid these skin problems.

Both cellulitis and erysipelas can start with a very minor problem like a bruise. They could also start at a burn, wound, or surgical cut. A rash results and normally an arm or leg is affected. It is even possible to have no symptoms yet carryrepparttar germs onrepparttar 140858 skin's surface and in nasal passages.

Cellulitis is an inflammation ofrepparttar 140859 skin andrepparttar 140860 tissues belowrepparttar 140861 skin. The most common symptoms of cellulitis are fever and chills as well as swollen glands and lymph nodes. The overall appearance ofrepparttar 140862 skin is red and tender. This leads to plenty of pain. Blistering and scabs are also likely. Perianal cellulitis can also add very uncomfortable bowel movements torepparttar 140863 list of discomforts.

Diabetic Foot Care Tips: Can't Afford to Ignore It!

Written by Jasdeep Singh

Most ofrepparttar time, we focus on health or skin care completely ignoringrepparttar 140857 importance of our feet. Foot care is equally important especially for diabetic people to avoid foot complications. Feet is one part of our body which is usedrepparttar 140858 most. Even then, we tend to ignore it until we don't come across some serious feet problem. Feet are made up of 26 bones, held together by tendons, ligaments and muscles and wrapped in skin.

Some handy and valuable tips of foot care:

a) Check your feet daily for cuts, sores, red spots, swelling and infected nails.

b) Do not cut corns and calluses( hardened or thickened part ofrepparttar 140859 skin). Consult your doctor if you have developed corns and calluses rather than cutting them off using razor, corn plasters or some liquid corn removers.

c) Make sure your toe nails are trimmed properly. Trim them straight across and smooth them using a nail file.

d) If you are diabetic, consult your doctor. Diabetic patients are at more risk to developing foot complications and wounds which do not heal easily. There are three major problems which a diabetic person faces if he develops some foot disease.

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