Two Questions You Must Answer to Make News

Written by Rusty Cawley

When considering whether to write a story, a journalist always begins with two questions:

1. What’s new? 2. Who cares?

The first point is obvious. If something isn’t new, then it can’t be news. Most folks understand this instinctively.

It isrepparttar second point that most people have trouble understanding. It isn’t enough for your item to be new. To qualify as news, your story must appeal to a broad audience. It must have significance for other people, and lot of them.

For example, considerrepparttar 121031 Taliban,repparttar 121032 former rulers of Afghanistan.

Beforerepparttar 121033 Sept. 11, 2001, attacks onrepparttar 121034 World Trade Center andrepparttar 121035 Pentagon, few news media paid any attention whatsoever torepparttar 121036 Taliban. After Sept. 11 and throughrepparttar 121037 fall ofrepparttar 121038 Afghan regime,repparttar 121039 media couldn’t get enough stories aboutrepparttar 121040 Taliban.

What changed to make this happen? It wasn’trepparttar 121041 Taliban. What changed wererepparttar 121042 media’s attitudes towardrepparttar 121043 Taliban:

1. What’s new? Terrorists have attackedrepparttar 121044 United States and they are being harbored byrepparttar 121045 Taliban in Afghanistan.

How To Get At Least 50 Visitors A Day Free

Written by Karin Manning

Every eBusiness owner is constantly looking at ways to get free traffic to their site. After all, if you have no visitors you will never have any sales. So getting visitors to your website isrepparttar first major step to get underway in your marketing campaign.

Pay-per-click search engines are one ofrepparttar 121030 most highly recommended ways to get immediate traffic to your site. However, there are times when eBusiness owners – particularly newbies – don’t haverepparttar 121031 cash needed to continuously run pay-per-click traffic campaigns.

I have discovered a little known traffic generating technique that could seriously result in more profits in your pocket with extremely little effort on your part. In fact, you’re not going to believe how easy this really is.

If you’re serious about your Internet business then you must be using a truckload of products and services on a regular basis. The $60,000.00 question is - Do you spend time giving testimonials forrepparttar 121032 many products and services you use in your day to day life? If not, then you could be missing out on an incredible stream of no cost traffic to your site on a regular basis.

Writing testimonials is a relatively easy task. Just write one as if you were simply sending a short note of appreciation to someone you know.


“I’ve been a member of Profits Vault Monthly forrepparttar 121033 past year and I have increased my profits streams by 300% inrepparttar 121034 seven months I’ve been promoting these products. Not only that, but I continue to enjoy $200.00 profit a month on my products already in circulation. I would highly recommend Profits Vault Monthly to anyone.” Karin Manning

TIP: You don’t have to link people to your main website. You can link to anything you like – an affiliate program, a free report, a fr** download, just about anything you like…this is your chance to have your say.

Don’t be embarrassed to say that you’re not earning $100,000.00 a year with one product. There are thousands of people online who are happy to earn a few hundred dollars a month to help cover their car payments and house payments so don’t think your testimonial won’t be featured if it doesn’t include six figure digits. In this instance I believe credibility is far more important than inflated dollar figures.

If you find a particular product or service helpful, then give a testimonial about it torepparttar 121035 website you purchased it from. Include your full name and url and you’re in business. Now of course this is no guarantee that your testimonial will be spotlighted onrepparttar 121036 website, however,repparttar 121037 more credible and specific your testimonial isrepparttar 121038 higher your chances.

Now one website alone could be providing you with 5 unique visitors to your site every single day. Now that isn’t a big number by itself, however, in a month that adds up to 150 unique visitors to your site. And that’s just for one website.

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