The number of myths about natural bodybuilding are too numerous to mention. For every guy who knows principles of effective bodybuilding, there are countless others who don’t. Those lacking knowledge to train properly will argue until their strides split open or until Frankie No-Gains asks them for a spot. I don’t argue anymore. I just figure they can either take it, or leave it.Bodybuilding is not complicated. It’s simpler than your brother’s, cousin’s third husband. Plus, it allows you to completely transform yourself from a proverbial “weakling,” into a “muscle monster.” That’s if you so choose. In short, it rocks. Narrow-minded sceptics who argue otherwise, are just too damn lazy to try it themselves.
The majority of “skinny guys” you will ever meet can quickly supply an elaborate list of exercises with incredible performance detail. However, same losers can’t seem to identify most effective ones. Failing to understanding “fundamental” science of muscle growth, is truly criminal. But to be fair, just this once, most beginners will always experience some form of ignorance, at least initially. However, by learning what you have here, you are already ahead of ninety-nine percent of everyone you will ever meet.
Although some training methods produce reasonable results, it doesn’t mean that you should be using them. Training with this routine will achieve far better muscle gains in much less time. This routine consists of only most effective exercises available. Always strive for greatest return on time and energy invested. Anything less is unnecessary, pointless, and not worth your time. Got it.
I don’t need to disprove alternate methods of training. Boring you with evidence that supports methods advised in this routine is just sucking wind. Addressing two of more dangerous myths, however, is a valuable warning. Stay focused, stay alert. You need to hear this.
The strategy of “intuitive” or “instinctive” training is a myth in its finest form. This theory promotes utilization of personal intuition and instincts to guide your training program. Supporters of this method claim, that eventually, you will develop a “feel” for a suitable training program which includes a selection of most suitable exercises.
This strategy is a farce. If achieving optimum muscle gains from your training is your goal, working in direct opposition to your instincts is critical. Following your instincts exclusively, will results in next no gains at all. Remember, you gotta be smarter than that.
During any given workout you will need to overcome your persuasive, primitive instincts. You need to approach muscle growth in a more scientific manner. The satisfaction, not to mention muscle growth, you will gain from proper training is truly incredible. Turning your goal of bigger stronger muscles into a reality is aim here. In this equation, instinct factors nowhere.