Turn Your "Rusty Junk" Into eBay Gold! by Pete Egeler
Often times people to stop to realize
income potential of their "junk". And, when they DO decide it might be worth selling, they never give eBay a second thought.
As I preach over and over again to my customers, don't ever think that you have something that nobody else would want, unless you've really taken
time to do a little eBay research.
I've sold my wife's old tea pots, bowls, AOL CD's, books, etc. that we no longer had a use for. And, it usually brings a lot more cash to
table than a yard sale or flea market sale would.
Most items in good condition will bring a pretty fair price on eBay if you take just a bit of time to locate
correct category for that item.
Then again, there are times when you may have something that really doesn'tlook all that great. What should you do then?
Well, depending upon what it is, you may want to sell it "as is."
Case in point is a lamp I'm getting ready to auction off. (My wife brought it home to me
other day.)
It's obvious that this lamp is old. It doesn't work (that I know of,) and it has a bit of tarnish on it. But, I'm NOT going to try and "spruce it up" before I put it up for auction.
Now I don't know squat about lamps. But I DO KNOW, that this particular lamp was made in
early 70's. About 1972 I think, and
WORST thing I could do is try to "clean" it to make it more presentable.