Turn To Weather When You're Bored

Written by Chris Orr

What do you do when you are bored witless and want to grow some more brain cells? Just when you think there is nothing left to do on summer vacation, here are a few weather related crafts and experiments.

Onrepparttar top of my list is time-lapse photography. Set up a camcorder on a tripod, point it at a hill or butte, and fliprepparttar 143092 time-lapse switch. Time-lapse cloud photography is fun to watch. You will see clouds try to develop and dissipate, some seemingly standing still while others whip on past. High clouds and low clouds may move in different directions, too.

Whilerepparttar 143093 camcorder is running - preferably for several hours - you can study wildflowers, birds, assorted varmints, or just relax. However, it is a good idea to pack up and leave if a thunderstorm heads your way.

In second place on time consuming projects isrepparttar 143094 making of an anemometer, a device used to measure wind speed. One style I worked on as a kid and never perfected used a bicycle wheel with a bunch of one or two-ounce cups attached to it. The cups have to be evenly spaced to thatrepparttar 143095 wheel is balanced. All ofrepparttar 143096 cups need to facerepparttar 143097 same direction and one should be distinctive so that you can countrepparttar 143098 number of revolutions it makes.

The number of revolutionsrepparttar 143099 wheel makes varies according torepparttar 143100 wind speed, sorepparttar 143101 second step in this project is to find out how many timesrepparttar 143102 wheel goes around at a given speed. The easy way to do this is to take a bicycle withrepparttar 143103 same diameter wheel and a speedometer. Spinrepparttar 143104 wheel untilrepparttar 143105 speedometer reaches 10 m.ph. and count how many times it goes around in one minute. Dorepparttar 143106 same thing for 15 m.p.h. and 20 m.p.h.

Scrapbooking Tips And Tricks For Photos And Images

Written by Nigel Patterson

When you're incorporating pictures of any kind into your scrapbook, why not set them off with an unusual finish? This could be an original idea for a border or frame -- or an arrangement of several items onrepparttar page to add a little drama. Here are a couple of tips that might do well for a children's album -- perhaps a keepsake baby scrapbook, or just a page for a boy or girl.

Adding Dimension To Your Photos

One good way to add dimension to images is to use double stick foam squares. These are pieces of double stick foam tape that literally allow items to pop out at your reader adding realism to items. This trick is especially useful in children's art and educational scrapbooks.

Simply cutrepparttar 143091 foam tape into whatever shape and size you want. Then, attach to shape onto your scrapbook page. These 3D foam squares are available from most craft suppliers.

Pop Up Windows To Enhance Baby Scrapbooks

Everyone who has ever read with children knows how much they love pop-up books. And very young children adore those books in which they 'liftrepparttar 143092 flap' to find what's hidden inrepparttar 143093 picture underneath. So why not build some pop up windows into your baby boy or girl scrapbook?!

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