Tsunami - The Lessons Of Nature

Written by Hirini Reedy

In today's uncertain world, we are once reminded ofrepparttar awesome power of Nature. The tsunami tidal waves that hit Southeast Asia showedrepparttar 129348 power of Nature andrepparttar 129349 fragility of human life. Yet amongrepparttar 129350 tales of despair, some people survived against all odds. Makes one wonder about life and it's meaning. There is more to life than what we think. On a conscious level one cannot understand why some people perished and some survived. I have my own theories. A little four year old boy who miraculously survived in a tree for over two days without water or food. Why did he survive when his whole family, home and world drowned before his young eyes? I have a four year old son so it pains me to think of him being in a similar plight. Yet there must be a reason for that four-year old boy surviving. Hmmm.

Strangely we do not see dead animals, dogs or cats litteringrepparttar 129351 beaches whererepparttar 129352 tsunami struck. Perhaps it reminds us ofrepparttar 129353 need to tune into our sixth sense a bit more. The tsunami is a wakeup call. The shifting weather patterns, earthquakes and melting polar icecaps are all signals reminding us aboutrepparttar 129354 changes that are happening acrossrepparttar 129355 world. It is time that we use our minds to see throughrepparttar 129356 effects towards their causes.

What can we do?

Become a champion. Each person must become a champion for change. Think big yet start small. Seek not to changerepparttar 129357 outer world but begin with your inner world first. Learn to connect with your inner self. Listen to your intuition. Your intuition connects in withrepparttar 129358 vibrations ofrepparttar 129359 universe. Likerepparttar 129360 animals it can sense shifts within Nature's energy fields. It begins with you stilling your mind and really listening. Then overcoming your own fears in your quest to champion a greater cause.

Quit Smoking: Why People Do Bad Things (Even When They Know They Shouldn't)

Written by Jill Binder

Do you do Bad Things? Even though you know you shouldn't?

It's not your fault. It really isn't. You know you should stop doing it, but no matter how much you know that, and how much you try, you just can't stop!

Everyone knows how to lose weight. Don't eat fattening foods. Exercise. Everyone knows how to give up smoking. Don’t lightrepparttar cigarette. Yet having this knowledge just isn't enough. Sometimes even havingrepparttar 129345 desire isn't enough! Time and again I hear about people who get really close to quitting smoking. They can get allrepparttar 129346 way down to one or two cigarettes a day, but just can't give up those last two. Many even make it allrepparttar 129347 way down to zero, butrepparttar 129348 cravings, ohrepparttar 129349 cravings! They are wretched, those cravings. Most will go back to smoking withinrepparttar 129350 first few days. They can cut away most ofrepparttar 129351 "stuff" that keeps them glued torepparttar 129352 cigarettes, even not be addicted to nicotine anymore(!), but there is just something deep in their core that magnetically pulls them back in, like two lovers who know they are bad for each other but just can't help themselves.

What is this thing? What is at this core?

Let me take a step back for a moment. How many adults do you know who are happy? I mean really, truly happy? Think that question is foolishness? Let me ask you this. How many people do you know who love their work? I'm talkin' jump out of bed inrepparttar 129353 morning, can't wait to start. Sadly,repparttar 129354 percentage is very small. Why is this?

We live in an interesting quick-fix culture. People don't really have to deal with their issues. We've got: •television •movies •shopping •toys •and hittingrepparttar 129355 gym

to distract us and make us feel better. Even more than that, many people's issues are quite buried. Think of dreams that were squashed when we were young. "An artist? You could never make a living at that! You should be a doctor!" People often forget what their dreams once were.

As a result, I see an awful lot of unhappy, unfulfilled people walking around. They don't know what is bothering them, they just have that gnawing feeling that there must be more. Advertisers pray on this, selling us more and more bottles and gizmos to give us that ever elusive Happiness.

True inner needs? People either: •think they're impossible to fulfill •are too scared and resigned to fulfill them •or are so disassociated from those needs that they don't even know what they would be even if they had to guess!

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