Trying to Talk to Reach Teens? Maybe a Teen Quiz can Help

Written by Brian Fong

Q. I'm a new 8th grade teacher and I don't have a lot of experience with teens. Could you help me with a teen quiz that will get them thinking?

A. Before I help you with a teen quiz, let me say "good for you"! Many new teachers start out in elementary school and then work their way up torepparttar big leagues. You jumped right intorepparttar 109106 deep water and I'm proud of you. I love teachers.

So, you want to reach teens and you're hoping that a teen quiz will get you some results. One ofrepparttar 109107 key concepts to keep in mind is that you don't want your teens thinking that you're trying to be one of them, or that you're invading their age group. Remember, even if you're in your mid 20's, you're "old" to someone who is 13. You need to design a teen quiz that makes them think that you respect their opinions and that you are treating them like an "adult".

That means instead of a teen quiz that asks "which one ofrepparttar 109108 MTV VJ's wearrepparttar 109109 most bling bling", you want to ask questions that allow them to show your their intellectual and emotional sides. Atrepparttar 109110 same time you need to keep in mind thatrepparttar 109111 word "quiz" smells an awful lot likerepparttar 109112 word "test" and we all know how much kids hate taking tests. Maybe instead of calling it a teen quiz, you'd get more mileage out of calling it a Teen Opinion Poll.

Is there such a thing as a popular quiz?

Written by Brian Fong

Q. My students have asked me for a popular quiz. Can you recommend one?

A. The answer to that question depends upon what your students mean when they say "popular".

Do they mean a quiz that can tell them if they are "popular", or do they mean a quiz that is popular because everyone likes taking it?

Hmm, maybe I can craft one answer that covers both options. You see, a popular quiz, also know as a popularity quiz, it very popular in itself. Starting at about third graderepparttar concept of being "popular" takes root and children begin to seekrepparttar 109105 "status" that being popular seems to offer to them. It isn't until much, much later in life that they learn there are more important things than being popular. Chief amongrepparttar 109106 more desirable traits are being noble, honest, truth worthy, and caring. However, for now, let's focus on popular.

A popular quiz purports to measure personality traits that make someone popular. It measures such earth-shaking issues as:

How many parties have you been invited to? How many times a day does someone compliment your clothes? Home many boys (girls) want to be your crush? Do people imitaterepparttar 109107 "cute" things that you say? Are you always picked first to be on a team?

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